B.2 Protocol errors (e.g., unknown message) class

24.3013GPPNon-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for Evolved Packet System (EPS)Release 18Stage 3TS

Cause #95 – Semantically incorrect message

This ESM cause is used to report receipt of a message with semantically incorrect contents.

Cause #96 – Invalid mandatory information

This ESM cause indicates that the equipment sending this ESM cause has received a message with a non-semantical mandatory IE error.

Cause #97 – Message type non-existent or not implemented

This ESM cause indicates that the equipment sending this ESM cause has received a message with a message type it does not recognize either because this is a message not defined, or defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this ESM cause.

Cause #98 – Message type not compatible with protocol state

This ESM cause indicates that the equipment sending this ESM cause has received a message not compatible with the protocol state.

Cause #99 – Information element non-existent or not implemented

This ESM cause indicates that the equipment sending this ESM cause has received a message which includes information elements not recognized because the information element identifier is not defined or it is defined but not implemented by the equipment sending the ESM cause. However, the information element is not required to be present in the message in order for the equipment sending the ESM cause to process the message.

Cause #100 – Conditional IE error

This ESM cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with conditional IE errors.

Cause #101 – Message not compatible with protocol state

This ESM cause indicates that a message has been received which is incompatible with the protocol state.

Cause #111 – Protocol error, unspecified

This ESM cause is used to report a protocol error event only when no other ESM cause in the protocol error class applies.

Annex C (normative):
Storage of EMM information

The following EMM parameters shall be stored on the USIM if the corresponding file is present:


– last visited registered TAI;

– EPS update status;

– Allowed CSG list;

– Operator CSG list; and

– EPS security context parameters from a full native EPS security context (see 3GPP TS 33.401 [19]).

The presence and format of corresponding files on the USIM is specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17].

If the corresponding file is not present on the USIM, these EMM parameters except allowed CSG list are stored in a non-volatile memory in the ME together with the IMSI from the USIM. The allowed CSG list is stored in a non-volatile memory in the ME if the UE supports CSG selection. These EMM parameters can only be used if the IMSI from the USIM matches the IMSI stored in the non-volatile memory; else the UE shall delete the EMM parameters.

The following EMM parameters shall be stored in a non-volatile memory in the ME together with the IMSI from the USIM:

– TIN;

– DCN-ID list; and

– network-assigned UE radio capability IDs.

The TIN parameter can only be used if the IMSI from the USIM matches the IMSI stored in the non-volatile memory of the ME; else the UE shall delete the TIN parameter.

The DCN-ID list consists of DCN-IDs stored together with a PLMN identity. The list can have zero or more entries and the maximum length shall be at least 32 entries. When the maximum length is reached any new entry shall replace the oldest entry in the list. There shall be no duplicated PLMN identities in the list and any existing DCN-ID shall be deleted when a new DCN-ID is added for the same PLMN.

The DCN-ID list can only be used if the IMSI from the USIM matches the IMSI stored in the non-volatile memory of the ME; else the UE shall delete the DCN-ID list. The UE shall delete the stored DCN-ID list if the default standardized DCN-ID in the UE is changed.

Each network-assigned UE radio capability ID is stored together with a PLMN identity of the PLMN that provided it as well as a mapping to the corresponding UE radio configuration, and is valid in that PLMN. A network-assigned UE radio capability ID can only be used if the IMSI from the USIM matches the IMSI stored in the non-volatile memory of the ME, else the UE shall delete the network-assigned UE radio capability ID. The UE shall be able to store at least the last 16 received network-assigned UE radio capability IDs. There shall be only one network-assigned UE radio capability ID stored for a given combination of PLMN identity and UE radio configuration and any existing UE radio capability ID shall be deleted when a new UE radio capability ID is added for the same combination of PLMN identity and UE radio configuration. If the UE receives a network-assigned UE radio capability ID with a Version ID value different from the value included in the network-assigned UE radio capability ID(s) stored at the UE for the serving PLMN, the UE may delete these stored network-assigned UE radio capability ID(s).

If the UE is attached for emergency bearer services, the UE shall not store the EMM parameters described in this annex on the USIM or in non-volatile memory. Instead the UE shall temporarily store these parameters locally in the ME and the UE shall delete these parameters when the UE is detached.

If the UE is configured for eCall only mode as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17], the UE shall not store the EMM parameters described in this annex on the USIM or in non-volatile memory. Instead the UE shall temporarily store these parameters locally in the ME and the UE shall delete these parameters when the UE enters EMM-DEREGISTERED.eCALL-INACTIVE state, the UE is switched-off or the USIM is removed.

If the UE is attached for access to RLOS, the UE shall not store the EMM parameters described in this annex on the USIM or in non-volatile memory. Instead, the UE shall temporarily store these parameters locally in the ME and the UE shall delete these parameters after detach.

Annex D (normative):
Establishment cause (S1 mode only)