6.5 UE requested ESM procedures

24.3013GPPNon-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for Evolved Packet System (EPS)Release 18Stage 3TS

6.5.0 General

The UE’s maximum number of active EPS bearer contexts in a PLMN is determined by whichever is the lowest of the maximum number of EPS bearer identities allowed by the protocol (as specified in 3GPP TS 24.007 [12] clause, the PLMN’s maximum number of EPS bearer contexts in S1 mode and the UE’s implementation-specific maximum number of EPS bearer contexts.

NOTE 1: Clauses and specify how the UE determines the PLMN’s maximum number of EPS bearer contexts in S1 mode.

In earlier versions of the protocol, the maximum number of simultaneously active EPS bearer contexts was limited by lower layer protocols to 8.

In the present version of the protocol, the UE and the network may support a maximum number of 15 EPS bearer contexts.

A UE supporting signalling for a maximum number of 15 EPS bearer contexts shall support the extended range or EPS bearer identities from 0 to 15 (as specified in 3GPP TS 24.007 [12] clause The UE indicates support of signalling for a maximum number of 15 EPS bearer contexts by setting the 15 bearers bit in the UE Network Capability IE.

A network supporting signalling for a maximum number of 15 EPS bearer contexts shall support the extended range or EPS bearer identities from 0 to 15 (as specified in 3GPP TS 24.007 [12] clause The network indicates support of signalling for a maximum number of 15 EPS bearer contexts by setting the 15 bearers bit in the EPS network feature support IE.

NOTE 2: A UE and a network not supporting signalling for a maximum number of 15 EPS bearer contexts will treat the EPS bearer identity values 1 to 4 as ‘reserved’ values.

For a UE in NB-S1 mode, the UE’s implementation-specific maximum number of active user plane radio bearers is 2 (as defined in 3GPP TS 36.300 [20]) when the UE sets the Multiple DRB support bit to "Multiple DRB supported" during attach or tracking area updating procedures, and 1 otherwise.

Upon an inter-system change from N1 mode to NB-S1 mode in EMM-IDLE mode for the UE operating in single-registration mode, if:

a) the number of active default EPS bearer contexts in the UE is larger than the UE’s implementation-specific maximum number of active user plane radio bearers; and

b) the UE is using user plane CIoT EPS optimization;

the UE shall locally deactivate at least one default EPS bearer context such that the total number of active default EPS bearer contexts that remained does not exceed the UE’s implementation-specific maximum number of active user plane radio bearers. In this case, choosing which EPS bearer context to deactivate is implementation specific. The UE shall then include the EPS bearer context status IE in the TRACKING AREA UPDATE REQUEST message.

Upon the inter-system change from A/Gb mode or Iu mode to S1 mode, for any PDN connection that has been transferred, if the PDN connection is not associated with a PDU session ID and the UE supporting N1 mode decides to enable the transfer of the PDN connection from S1 mode to N1 mode, the UE may first initiate the UE requested PDN disconnection procedure and then the UE requested PDN connectivity procedure for such PDN connection(s). As an implementation option, the UE may deactivate all EPS bearer contexts for such PDN connection(s) locally, and if the last PDN connection is not deactivated or the UE supports EMM-REGISTERED without PDN connection, the UE shall include the EPS bearer context status IE in the TRACKING AREA UPDATE REQUEST message of the tracking area updating procedure upon inter-system change from A/Gb mode or Iu mode to S1 mode, and then initiate UE requested PDN connectivity procedure for such PDN connection(s).

NOTE 3: Upon the inter-system change from A/Gb mode or Iu mode to S1 mode, if a PDN connection does not support interworking with 5GS and the UE determines that the PLMN or the APN cannot support interworking with 5GS, it is recommended that a UE does not release and re-establish the PDN connection in order to enable interworking with 5GS for the PDN connection. Whether and how the UE determines the PLMN or the APN can support interworking with 5GS is implementation specific.

6.5.1 UE requested PDN connectivity procedure General

The purpose of the UE requested PDN connectivity procedure is for a UE to request the setup of a default EPS bearer to a PDN. The UE requests connectivity to a PDN by sending a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message to the network. If accepted by the network, this procedure initiates the establishment of a default EPS bearer context. If EMM-REGISTERED without PDN connection is not supported by the UE or the MME, the procedure is used either to establish the first default bearer by including the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message into the initial attach message, or to establish subsequent default bearers to additional PDNs in order to allow the UE simultaneous access to multiple PDNs by sending the message stand-alone. If EMM-REGISTERED without PDN connection is supported by the UE and the MME, the procedure is used to establish the first or subsequent default bearers to a PDN or additional PDNs by sending the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message stand-alone.

If the UE requests PDN connectivity for emergency bearer services, the MME shall not check for regional restrictions or subscription restrictions when processing the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message.

If there is already a PDN connection for emergency bearer services established, the UE shall not request an additional PDN connection for emergency bearer services.

A UE attached for emergency bearer services shall not request a PDN connection to any other PDN.

A UE attached for access to RLOS shall not request any additional PDN connection for RLOS nor any PDN connection to any other PDN.

The UE may also initiate the UE requested PDN connectivity procedure to add 3GPP access to the PDN connection which is already established over WLAN as specified in the clause 6.2.2 of 3GPP TS 23.161 [34].

The UE may also initiate the UE requested PDN connectivity procedure to transfer an existing PDU session in the 5GS to EPS as specified in 3GPP TS 24.501 [54].

If the UE supports the device triggering short message as specified in 3GPP TS 23.040 [57] and supports non-IP PDN type, then upon receiving from ESMS entity as specified in 3GPP TS 24.007 [12] an indication requesting establishment of a PDN connection for non-IP PDN type using the default APN as specified in 3GPP TS 24.011 [13A], the UE shall initiate the UE requested PDN connectivity procedure in order to request connectivity to a PDN using the default APN and non-IP PDN type. UE requested PDN connectivity procedure initiation

In order to request connectivity to a PDN, the UE shall send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message to the MME, start timer T3482 and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION PENDING (see example in figure

When the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message is sent together with an ATTACH REQUEST message, the UE shall not start timer T3482 and shall not include the APN.

NOTE 1: If the UE needs to provide protocol configuration options which require ciphering or provide an APN, or both, during the attach procedure, the ESM information transfer flag is included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST. The MME then at a later stage in the PDN connectivity procedure initiates the ESM information request procedure in which the UE can provide the MME with protocol configuration options or APN or both.

In order to request a PDN connection for emergency bearer services or for access to RLOS, the UE shall not include an APN in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message or, when applicable, in the ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message.

In order to request connectivity to a PDN using the default APN, the UE includes the access point name IE in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message or, when applicable, in the ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message, according to the following conditions:

– if use of a PDN using the default APN requires PAP/CHAP, then the UE should include the Access point name IE; and

– in all other conditions, the UE need not include the Access point name IE.

In order to request connectivity to an additional PDN using a specific APN, the UE shall include the requested APN in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message or, when applicable, in the ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message.

NOTE 2: The requested APN in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST or ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message is for UAS services when the request to establish a PDN connection for UAS services is requested by the upper layers.

NOTE 3: By configuration provided by the operator, the UE supporting UAS services knows that an APN is for UAS services when the request to establish a PDN connection for UAS services is requested by the upper layers and how this UE configuration is achieved is implementation specific.

In the PDN type IE the UE shall either indicate the IP version capability of the IP stack associated with the UE or non IP or Ethernet as specified in clause 6.2.2.

If the PDN type value of the PDN type IE is set to IPv4 or IPv6 or IPv4v6 and the UE indicates "Control plane CIoT EPS optimization supported" in the UE network capability IE of the ATTACH REQUEST message, the UE may include the Header compression configuration IE in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message.

When the connectivity to a PDN is to be transferred from a non-3GPP access network to the 3GPP access network, the UE shall set the PDN type value of the PDN type IE to:

– IPv4, if the previously allocated home address information consists of an IPv4 address only;

– IPv6, if the previously allocated home address information consists of an IPv6 prefix only; or

– IPv4v6, if the previously allocated home address information consists of both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 prefix.

The UE shall set the request type to "initial request" when the UE is establishing a new PDN connectivity to a PDN in an attach procedure or in a stand-alone PDN connectivity procedure or when the UE requests establishment of a PDN connection as a user-plane resource of an MA PDU session to be established. The UE shall set the request type to "emergency" when the UE is requesting a new PDN connectivity for emergency bearer services. The UE shall set the request type to "handover" when the connectivity to a PDN is to be transferred from a non-3GPP access network to the 3GPP access network, when the UE initiates the procedure to add 3GPP access to the PDN connection which is already established over WLAN, when the UE supporting N1 mode requests transfer of an existing non-emergency PDU session in 5GS or when the UE requests establishment of a PDN connection as a user-plane resource of an already established MA PDU session. The UE shall set the request type to "handover of emergency bearer services" when a PDN connection for emergency bearer services is to be transferred from a WLAN to the 3GPP access network or when the UE supporting N1 mode requests transfer of an existing emergency PDU session in 5GS. The UE shall set the request type to "RLOS" when the UE is requesting a new PDN connection for RLOS.

If the UE supports DSMIPv6, the UE may include a request for obtaining the IPv6 address and optionally the IPv4 address of the home agent in the Protocol configuration options IE in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message. The UE may also include a request for obtaining the IPv6 Home Network Prefix. The UE shall request the IPv6 Home Network Prefix only if the UE has requested the home agent IPv6 address. The requested home agent address(es) and the Home Network Prefix are related to the APN the UE requested connectivity for.

The UE may set the ESM information transfer flag in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message to indicate that it has ESM information, i.e. protocol configuration options, APN, or both, that needs to be sent after the NAS signalling security has been activated between the UE and the MME.

If the UE supports A/Gb mode or Iu mode or both, the UE shall indicate the support of the network requested bearer control procedures (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [13]) in A/Gb mode or Iu mode in the protocol configuration options IE.

If the UE supports N1 mode and the request type is:

a) "initial request" or "emergency", the UE shall generate a PDU session ID, associate the PDU session ID with the PDN connection that is being established, and include the PDU session ID in the protocol configuration options IE or the extended protocol configuration options IE;

b) "handover" or "handover of emergency bearer services", and the UE requests:

1) transfer of an existing PDU session in 5GS or establishment of a PDN connection as a user-plane resource of an already established MA PDU session, the UE shall associate the PDU session ID of the PDU session with the PDN connection that is being established for the existing PDU session and include the PDU session ID in the protocol configuration options IE or the extended protocol configuration options IE; or

2) transfer of an existing PDN connection in a non-3GPP access connected to the EPC and a PDU session ID is associated with the existing PDN connection, the UE shall include the PDU session ID in the protocol configuration options IE or the extended protocol configuration options IE and associate the PDU session ID with the PDN connection that is being established. If the existing PDN connection is a non-emergency PDN connection and an S-NSSAI and a related PLMN ID are associated with the existing PDN connection, the UE shall in addition associate the S-NSSAI and the related PLMN ID with the PDN connection that is being established.

NOTE 4: The UE can also have an S-NSSAI and the related PLMN ID associated with the PDN connection, if the S-NSSAI and the related PLMN ID was associated with the existing PDN connection in a non-3GPP access connected to the EPC as specified in 3GPP TS 24.302 [48]. The UE stores this S-NSSAI and the related PLMN ID for later use during inter-system change from S1 mode to N1 mode.

If the N1 mode capability is disabled, the UE may apply a) and b.2) above for service continuity support at inter-system change from S1 mode to N1 mode once its N1 mode capability is enabled again.

If the UE supporting N1 mode supports receiving QoS rules with the length of two octets or QoS flow descriptions with the length of two octets via the extended protocol configuration options IE, the UE shall include the QoS rules with the length of two octets support indicator or the QoS flow descriptions with the length of two octets support indicator, respectively, in the protocol configuration options IE or the extended protocol configuration options IE.

If the UE supports providing PDU session ID in the protocol configuration options IE or the extended protocol configuration option IE when its N1 mode capability is disabled, the UE shall include the QoS rules with the length of two octets support indicator or the QoS flow descriptions with the length of two octets support indicator, respectively, in the protocol configuration options IE or the extended protocol configuration options IE.

Protocol configuration options provided in the ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message replace any protocol configuration options provided in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message.

When the UE initiates the procedure to add 3GPP access to the PDN connection that is already established over WLAN, the UE shall provide the same APN as that of the PDN connection established over WLAN in the PDN connectivity procedure as specified in the clause 6.2.2 of 3GPP TS 23.161 [34].

If the UE supports APN rate control, the UE shall include an APN rate control support indicator and an additional APN rate control for exception data support indicator in the protocol configuration options IE or extended protocol configuration options IE.

If the UE supports DNS over (D)TLS (see 3GPP TS 33.501 [24]), the UE shall include the Protocol configuration options IE or the Extended protocol configuration options IE in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST or ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message and include the DNS server security information indicator and optionally, if the UE wishes to indicate which security protocol type(s) are supported by the UE, it may include the DNS server security protocol support.

NOTE 5: Support of DNS over (D)TLS is based on the informative requirements as specified in 3GPP TS 33.501 [24].

When the UE supporting UAS services initiates a UE requested PDN connectivity procedure for UAS services during an attach procedure, the UE:

a) shall create the service-level-AA container with the length of two octets. In the service-level-AA container with the length of two octets, the UE:

1) shall include the service-level device ID parameter set to the UE’s CAA-level UAV ID;

2) shall include the service-level-AA server address parameter set to the USS address, if it is provided by the upper layers;

3) shall include the service-level-AA payload parameter set to the UUAA payload and the service-level-AA payload type parameter set to "UUAA payload", if the UUAA payload is provided by the upper layer; and

4) shall include the service-level-AA payload parameter set to the C2 authorization payload and the service-level-AA payload type parameter set to "C2 authorization payload", if the C2 authorization procedure is requested; and

NOTE 6: The C2 authorization payload in the service-level-AA payload parameter can include the pairing information for C2 communication and the flight authorization information.

b) shall include the created service-level-AA container with the length of two octets in the extended protocol configuration options IE of the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST or ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message.

When the UE supporting UAS services initiates a UE requested PDN connectivity procedure for C2 communication after the completion of the attach procedure, the UE:

a) shall create the service-level-AA container with the length of two octets. In the service-level-AA container with the length of two octets, the UE:

1) shall include the service-level device ID parameter set to the UE’s CAA-level UAV ID; and

2) shall include the service-level-AA payload parameter set to the C2 authorization payload and the service-level-AA payload type parameter set to "C2 authorization payload"; and

NOTE 7: The C2 authorization payload in the service-level-AA payload parameter can include the pairing information for C2 communication and the flight authorization information.

b) shall include the created service-level-AA container with the length of two octets in the extended protocol configuration options IE of the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message.

If the UE supports provisioning of ECS configuration information to the EEC in the UE, then the UE may include the ECS configuration information provisioning support indicator in the Protocol configuration options IE or the Extended protocol configuration options IE in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message.

If the UE supports secondary DN authentication and authorization over EPC and has included the PDU session ID in the Protocol configuration options IE or the Extended protocol configuration options IE, the UE shall include the SDNAEPC support indicator in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message.

Editor’s note: (CR#3851, TEI18_SDNAEPC) it is FFS whether the Protocol configuration options IE, the Extended protocol configuration options IE or both of them are allowed to carry the SDNAEPC support indicator parameter.

Figure UE requested PDN connectivity procedure UE requested PDN connectivity procedure accepted by the network

Upon receipt of the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message, the MME checks whether the ESM information transfer flag is included. If the flag is included the MME waits for completion of the ESM information request procedure before proceeding with the PDN connectivity procedure. The MME then checks if connectivity with the requested PDN can be established. If no requested APN is included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message or the ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message and the request type is different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services" and from "RLOS", the MME shall use the default APN as the requested APN. If the request type is "emergency" or "handover of emergency bearer services", the MME shall use the APN configured for emergency bearer services or select the statically configured PDN GW for unauthenticated UEs, if applicable. If the request type is "RLOS", the MME shall use the APN configured for RLOS.

If the network receives a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message with the same combination of APN and PDN type as an already existing PDN connection, and multiple PDN connections for a given APN are allowed, the network retains the existing EPS bearer contexts for the PDN connection and proceeds with the requested PDN connectivity procedure.

If the lower layers provide a GW Transport Layer Address value identifying a L-GW together with the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message and a PDN connection is established as a LIPA PDN connection due to the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message, then the MME shall store the GW Transport Layer Address value as the P-GW address in the EPS bearer context of the LIPA PDN connection.

If the lower layers provide a SIPTO L-GW Transport Layer Address value identifying a L-GW together with the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message and a PDN connection is established as a SIPTO at the local network PDN connection due to the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message, then the MME shall store the SIPTO L-GW Transport Layer Address value as the P-GW address in the EPS bearer context of the SIPTO at the local network PDN connection.

If the lower layers provide a LHN-ID value together with the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message and a PDN connection is established as a SIPTO at the local network PDN connection due to the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message, then the MME shall store the LHN-ID value in the EPS bearer context of the SIPTO at the local network PDN connection.

NOTE 1: The receipt of a LHN-ID value during the establishment of the PDN connection, during tracking area updating procedure or during inter-MME handover can be used as an indication by the MME that the SIPTO at the local network PDN connection is established to a stand-alone GW (see 3GPP TS 23.401 [10]).

If connectivity with the requested PDN is accepted by the network, the MME shall initiate the default EPS bearer context activation procedure (see clause 6.4.1).

If connectivity with the requested PDN is accepted and the network considers this PDN connection a LIPA PDN connection, then subject to operator policy the MME shall include in the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message the Connectivity type IE indicating "the PDN connection is considered a LIPA PDN connection".

If connectivity with the requested PDN is accepted, but with a restriction of IP version (i.e. both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 prefix is requested, but only one particular IP version, or only single IP version bearers are supported/allowed by the network), ESM cause #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed", #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", or #52 "single address bearers only allowed", respectively, shall be included in the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message.

If connectivity with the requested PDN is accepted and the UE provided the Header compression configuration IE in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message, the MME may include the Header compression configuration IE in the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message. Furthermore, if the MME decides that the associated PDN connection is only for control plane CIoT EPS optimization (see clause 5.3.15), the MME shall include the Control plane only indication in the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message.

Upon receipt of the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message, the UE shall stop timer T3482 and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE. The UE should ensure that the procedure transaction identity (PTI) assigned to this procedure is not released immediately. The way to achieve this is implementation dependent. While the PTI value is not released, the UE regards any received ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message with the same PTI value as a network retransmission (see clause 7.3.1).

Upon receipt of the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message with the Connectivity type IE indicating "the PDN connection is considered a LIPA PDN connection", the UE provides an indication to the upper layers that the connectivity is provided by a LIPA PDN connection.

Upon receipt of the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message, if the 3GPP PS data off UE status is "activated", the UE behaves as described in clause 6.3.10.

Upon receipt of the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message, if the SCEF or P-GW indicates acceptance of use of Reliable Data Service to transfer data for the PDN connection, the UE behaves as described in clause 6.3.11.

Upon receipt of the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message, if an S-NSSAI and the PLMN ID that this S-NSSAI relates to are provided in the protocol configuration options IE or extended protocol configuration options IE, the UE shall delete the stored S-NSSAI and the PLMN ID that this S-NSSAI relates to, if any, and shall store the S-NSSAI and the PLMN ID this S-NSSAI relates to provided in the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message and the associated PLMN ID along with the corresponding PDU session ID that the UE provided in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message. The usage of the PDU session ID and the corresponding S-NSSAI with the associated PLMN ID is specified in 3GPP TS 24.501 [54]. Additionally, the UE shall remove the S-NSSAI, if present, from the rejected NSSAI as specified in 3GPP TS 24.501 [54] clause

Upon receipt of the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message with a session-AMBR and QoS rule(s), which correspond to the default EPS bearer of the PDN connectivity being activated, in the protocol configuration options IE or the extended protocol configuration options IE, the UE stores the session-AMBR and QoS rule(s) for use during inter-system change from S1 mode to N1 mode.

If the UE requests the PDN type "IPv4v6", receives the selected PDN type set to "IPv4" and the ESM cause value #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed", the UE shall not automatically send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message to the same APN (or no APN, if no APN was indicated by the UE) to obtain a PDN type different from the one allowed by the network until:

– the UE is registered to a new PLMN;

– the UE is switched off; or

– the USIM is removed.

If the UE requests the PDN type "IPv4v6", receives the selected PDN type set to "IPv6" and the ESM cause value #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", the UE shall not automatically send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message to the same APN (or no APN, if no APN was indicated by the UE) to obtain a PDN type different from the one allowed by the network until:

– the UE is registered to a new PLMN;

– the UE is switched off; or

– the USIM is removed.

NOTE 2: For the ESM cause values #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed" and #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", re-attempt in A/Gb, Iu, or N1 mode for the same APN (or no APN, if no APN was indicated by the UE) is only allowed using the PDN type(s) indicated by the network. UE requested PDN connectivity procedure not accepted by the network General

If connectivity with the requested PDN cannot be accepted by the network, the MME shall send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message to the UE. The message shall contain the PTI and an ESM cause value indicating the reason for rejecting the UE requested PDN connectivity.

The ESM cause IE typically indicates one of the following ESM cause values:

#8: operator determined barring;

#26: insufficient resources;

#27: missing or unknown APN;

#28: unknown PDN type;

#29: user authentication or authorization failed;

#30: request rejected by Serving GW or PDN GW;

#31: request rejected, unspecified;

#32: service option not supported;

#33: requested service option not subscribed;

#34: service option temporarily out of order;

#35: PTI already in use;

#38: network failure;

#50: PDN type IPv4 only allowed;

#51: PDN type IPv6 only allowed;

#53: ESM information not received;

#54: PDN connection does not exist;

#55: multiple PDN connections for a given APN not allowed;

#57: PDN type IPv4v6 only allowed;

#58: PDN type non IP only allowed;

#61: PDN type Ethernet only allowed;

#65: maximum number of EPS bearers reached;

#66: requested APN not supported in current RAT and PLMN combination;

#95 – 111: protocol errors;

#112: APN restriction value incompatible with active EPS bearer context;

#113: Multiple accesses to a PDN connection not allowed.

The network may include a Back-off timer value IE in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message. If the ESM cause value is #26 "insufficient resources" and the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was received via a NAS signalling connection established with RRC establishment cause "High priority access AC 11 – 15" or the request type in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was set to "emergency" or "handover of emergency bearer services", the network shall not include a Back-off timer value IE.

If the ESM cause value is different from #26 "insufficient resources", #28 "unknown PDN type", #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed", #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", #54 "PDN connection does not exist", #57 "PDN type IPv4v6 only allowed", #58 "PDN type non IP only allowed", #61 "PDN type Ethernet only allowed", #65 "maximum number of EPS bearers reached", and #66 "requested APN not supported in current RAT and PLMN combination", and the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was received via a NAS signalling connection established with RRC establishment cause "High priority access AC 11 – 15", the network shall not include a Back-off timer value IE.

If the Back-off timer value IE is included and the ESM cause value is different from #26 "insufficient resources", #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed", #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", #57 "PDN type IPv4v6 only allowed", #58 "PDN type non IP only allowed", #61 "PDN type Ethernet only allowed", and #65 "maximum number of EPS bearers reached", the network may include the Re-attempt indicator IE to indicate:

– whether the UE is allowed to attempt a PDP context activation procedure in the PLMN for the same APN in A/Gb or Iu mode or a PDU session establishment procedure in the PLMN for the same APN in N1 mode; and

– whether another attempt in A/Gb and Iu mode, in S1 mode or in N1 mode is allowed in an equivalent PLMN.

If the ESM cause value is #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed", #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", #57 "PDN type IPv4v6 only allowed", #58 "PDN type non IP only allowed" or #61 "PDN type Ethernet only allowed", the network may include the Re-attempt indicator IE without Back-off timer value IE to indicate whether the UE is allowed to attempt a PDN connectivity procedure in an equivalent PLMN for the same APN in S1 mode using the same PDN type.

If the ESM cause value is #66 "requested APN not supported in current RAT and PLMN combination", the network may include the Re-attempt indicator IE without Back-off timer value IE to indicate whether the UE is allowed to attempt a PDN connectivity procedure in an equivalent PLMN for the same APN in S1 mode.

Upon receipt of the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message, the UE shall stop timer T3482 and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE.

If the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message is due to an ESM failure notified by EMM layer (i.e., EMM cause #19 "ESM failure" included in an ATTACH REJECT message), the UE may include a different APN in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message.

NOTE 1: When receiving EMM cause #19 "ESM failure", coordination is required between the EMM and ESM sublayers in the UE to notify the ESM failure.

If the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent with request type set to "emergency" or "handover of emergency bearer services" in a stand-alone PDN connectivity procedure and the UE receives a PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message, then the UE may:

a) inform the upper layers of the failure to establish the emergency bearer; or

NOTE 2: This can result in the upper layers requesting establishment of a CS emergency call (if not already attempted in the CS domain) or other implementation specific mechanisms, e.g. procedures specified in 3GPP TS 24.229 [13D] can result in the emergency call being attempted to another IP-CAN.

b) detach locally, if not detached already, attempt EPS attach for emergency bearer services.

If the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent with PDN type set to "Ethernet" and the UE receives a PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message with ESM cause #58 "PDN type non IP only allowed", then the UE may attempt a PDN connectivity procedure with the non-IP PDN type.

If the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message contains the UAS services not allowed indication parameter in the extended protocol configuration options IE and the UE has not provided its CAA-level UAV ID to the network, the UE shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for UAS services without providing its CAA-level UAV ID to the network.

NOTE 3: If the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message contains the UAS services not allowed indication parameter in the Extended protocol configuration options IE, the ESM cause value #29 "user authentication or authorization failed" is included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message.

NOTE 4: The PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message contains the UAS services not allowed indication parameter included in the extended protocol configuration options IE, if the PDN connection is identified to be for UAS services based on the APN, and the CAA-level UAV ID is not provided by the UE in the request.

NOTE 5: If the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message does not contain the SDNAEPC support indicator parameter and the secondary DN authentication and authorization over EPC is mandatory due to local policies, the ESM cause value #29 "user authentication or authorization failed" can be included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message".

Editor’s note: (CR#3852, TEI18_SDNAEPC) it is FFS whether the Protocol configuration options IE, the Extended protocol configuration options IE or both of them are allowed to carry the SDNAEPC support indicator parameter. Handling of network rejection due to ESM cause #26

If the ESM cause value is #26 "insufficient resources" and the Back-off timer value IE is included, the UE shall ignore the Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network, if any, and behave as follows:

1) if the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent standalone, the UE shall take different actions depending on the timer value received for timer T3396 in the Back-off timer value IE (if the UE is configured for dual priority, exceptions are specified in clause 6.5.5; if the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in selected PLMN, exceptions are specified in clause 6.3.5):

i) if the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated and an APN was included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message, the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with the corresponding APN, if it is running. If the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated, no APN was included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with no APN if it is running. The UE shall then start timer T3396 with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE and:

– shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN that was sent by the UE, until timer T3396 expires or timer T3396 is stopped; and

– shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", or another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE, if no APN was included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", until timer T3396 expires or timer T3396 is stopped.

The UE shall not stop timer T3396 upon a PLMN change or inter-system change;

ii) if the timer value indicates that this timer is deactivated, the UE:

– shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed, or the UE receives an ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST, ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message for the same APN from the network or a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message including ESM cause #39 "reactivation requested" for a default EPS bearer context for the same APN from the network; and

– shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", or another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE, if no APN was included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed, or the UE receives an ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST, ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE, or a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message including ESM cause #39 "reactivation requested" for a default EPS bearer context of a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE.

The timer T3396 remains deactivated upon a PLMN change or inter-system change; and

iii) if the timer value indicates zero, the UE:

– shall stop timer T3396 associated with the corresponding APN, if running, and may send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN; and

– if no APN was included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with no APN, if running, and may send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message without an APN, or another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE; and

2) if the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent together with an ATTACH REQUEST, the UE shall take different actions depending on the timer value received for timer T3396 in the Back-off timer value IE and on the integrity protection of the ATTACH REJECT message (if the UE is configured for dual priority, exceptions are specified in clause 6.5.5; if the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in selected PLMN, exceptions are specified in clause 6.3.5):

i) if the ATTACH REJECT message is not integrity protected and an APN was sent by the UE during the attach procedure, the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with the corresponding APN if it is running. If the ATTACH REJECT message is not integrity protected, the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", and an APN was not sent by the UE, the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with no APN if it is running. The UE shall then start timer T3396 with a random value from a default range specified in table 11.2.3 defined in 3GPP TS 24.008 [13], and:

a) shall not initiate a new attach procedure with the same APN or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST with the same APN that was sent by the UE, until timer T3396 expires or timer T3396 is stopped; and

b) shall not initiate a new attach procedure without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services" or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", if the UE did not provide any APN during the attach procedure and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", until timer T3396 expires.

The UE shall not stop timer T3396 upon a PLMN change or inter-system change;

ii) if the ATTACH REJECT message is integrity protected, the UE shall proceed as follows:

a) if the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated and an APN was sent by the UE during the attach procedure, the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with the corresponding APN if it is running. If the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated, the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", and an APN was not sent by the UE during the attach procedure, the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with no APN if it is running. The UE shall then start timer T3396 with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE and:

– shall not initiate a new attach procedure with the same APN or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST with the same APN that was sent by the UE, until timer T3396 expires or timer T3396 is stopped; and

– shall not initiate a new attach procedure without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services" or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", if the UE did not provide any APN during the attach procedure and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", until timer T3396 expires.

The UE shall not stop timer T3396 upon a PLMN change or inter-system change;

b) if the timer value indicates that this timer is deactivated, the UE:

– shall not initiate a new attach procedure with the same APN or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST with the same APN that was sent by the UE, until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed, or the UE receives an ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message for the same APN from the network; and

– shall not initiate a new attach procedure without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services" or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", if the UE did not provide any APN during the attach procedure and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed, or the UE receives an ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE.

The timer T3396 remains deactivated upon a PLMN change or inter-system change; and

c) if the timer value indicates that this timer is zero, the UE shall proceed as specified in clause item d.

If the Back-off timer value IE is not included and the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST was sent standalone, then the UE may send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN.

When the timer T3396 is running or the timer is deactivated, the UE is allowed to initiate an attach procedure or PDN connectivity procedure if the procedure is for emergency bearer services.

If the timer T3396 is running when the UE enters state EMM-DEREGISTERED, the UE remains switched on, and the USIM in the UE remains the same, then timer T3396 is kept running until it expires or it is stopped.

If the UE is switched off when the timer T3396 is running, and if the USIM in the UE remains the same when the UE is switched on, the UE shall behave as follows:

– let t1 be the time remaining for T3396 timeout at switch off and let t be the time elapsed between switch off and switch on. If t1 is greater than t, then the timer shall be restarted with the value t1 – t. If t1 is equal to or less than t, then the timer need not be restarted. If the UE is not capable of determining t, then the UE shall restart the timer with the value t1;

– if prior to switch off, timer T3396 was running for a specific APN, because a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message containing the low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority" was rejected with a timer value for timer T3396, and if timer T3396 is restarted at switch on, then the UE configured for dual priority shall handle session management requests as indicated in clause 6.5.5; and

– if prior to switch off timer T3396 was running because a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST without APN sent together with an ATTACH REQUEST message containing the low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority" was rejected with a timer value for timer T3396, and if timer T3396 is restarted at switch on, then the UE configured for dual priority shall handle session management requests as indicated in clause 6.5.5. Handling of network rejection due to ESM cause other than ESM cause #26

If the ESM cause value is different from #26 "insufficient resources", #28 "unknown PDN type", #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed", #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", #54 "PDN connection does not exist", #57 "PDN type IPv4v6 only allowed", #58 "PDN type non IP only allowed", #61 "PDN type Ethernet only allowed", #65 "maximum number of EPS bearers reached", and #66 "requested APN not supported in current RAT and PLMN combination", and the Back-off timer value IE is included, the UE shall behave as follows:

1) if the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent standalone, the UE shall take different actions depending on the timer value received in the Back-off timer value IE (if the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in selected PLMN, exceptions are specified in clause 6.3.6):

i) if the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated, the UE shall start the back-off timer with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE for the PDN connectivity procedure and PLMN and APN combination and

– shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN for the same APN that was sent by the UE, until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

– shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services" if no APN was included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message, until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed;

ii) if the timer value indicates that this timer is deactivated, the UE:

– shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN for the same APN until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

– shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services" if no APN was included in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message, until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

iii) if the timer value indicates zero, the UE:

– may send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN for the same APN; and

– may send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN without an APN; and

2) if the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent together with an ATTACH REQUEST, the UE shall take different actions depending on the timer value received in the Back-off timer value IE and on the integrity protection of the ATTACH REJECT message (if the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in selected PLMN, exceptions are specified in clause 6.3.6):

i) if the ATTACH REJECT message is not integrity protected, the UE shall start the back-off timer with a random value from a default range specified in table 11.2.3(see 3GPP TS 24.008 [13]), and:

a) shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN with the same APN that was sent by the UE, until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

b) shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", if the UE did not provide any APN during the attach procedure and the request type was different from "emergency", until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

ii) if the ATTACH REJECT message is integrity protected, the UE shall proceed as follows:

a) if the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated, the UE shall start the back-off timer with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE for the PDN connectivity procedure and PLMN and APN combination and:

– shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN with the same APN that was sent by the UE, until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

– shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", if the UE did not provide any APN during the attach procedure and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed;

b) if the timer value indicates that this timer is deactivated, the UE:

– shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN with the same APN that was sent by the UE, until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

– shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", if the UE did not provide any APN during the attach procedure and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

c) if the timer value indicates that this timer is zero, the UE shall proceed as specified in clause item d.

If the Back-off timer value IE is not included and the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST was sent standalone, then the UE shall ignore the Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network in PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT, if any.

1) Additionally, if the ESM cause value is #8 "operator determined barring", #27 "missing or unknown APN", #32 "service option not supported", or #33 "requested service option not subscribed", the UE shall proceed as follows:

– if the UE is registered in the HPLMN or in a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present), the UE shall behave as described above in the present clause, using the configured SM_RetryWaitTime value as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A] or in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17], if available, as back-off timer value; and

NOTE 0: The way to choose one of the configured SM_RetryWaitTime values for back-off timer value is up to UE implementation if the UE is configured with:
– an SM_RetryWaitTime value in ME as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A]; and
– an SM_RetryWaitTime value in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17].

– otherwise, if the UE is not registered in its HPLMN or in a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present), or if the SM_RetryWaitTime value is not configured, the UE shall behave as described above in the present clause, using the default value of 12 minutes for the back-off timer.

2) For ESM cause values different from #8 "operator determined barring", #27 "missing or unknown APN", #32 "service option not supported", or #33 "requested service option not subscribed", the UE behaviour regarding the start of a back-off timer is unspecified.

The UE shall not stop any back-off timer upon a PLMN change or inter-system change. If the network indicates that a back-off timer for the PDN connectivity procedure and PLMN and APN combination is deactivated, then it remains deactivated upon a PLMN change or inter-system change.

NOTE 1: This means the back-off timer can still be running or be deactivated for the given ESM procedure and PLMN and APN combination when the UE returns to the PLMN or when it performs inter-system change back from A/Gb or Iu mode or N1 mode to S1 mode. Thus the UE can still be prevented from sending another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the PLMN for the same APN.

If the Back-off timer value IE is not included and the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST was sent together with an ATTACH REQUEST, the UE shall ignore the Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network in PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT, if any, and proceed as specified in clause, item d.

If the back-off timer is started upon receipt of a PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT (i.e. the timer value was provided by the network, a configured value is available or the default value is used as explained above) or the back-off timer is deactivated, the UE behaves as follows:

1) after a PLMN change the UE may send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN in the new PLMN, if the back-off timer is not running and is not deactivated for the PDN connectivity procedure and the combination of new PLMN and APN;

Furthermore as an implementation option, for the ESM cause values #8 "operator determined barring", #27 "missing or unknown APN", #32 "service option not supported" or #33 "requested service option not subscribed", if the network does not include a Re-attempt indicator IE, the UE may decide not to automatically send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN that was sent by the UE using the same PDN type, or the UE may decide not to automatically send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message included in an ATTACH REQUEST message without an APN using the same PDN type if the UE did not provide any APN in the PDN connectivity procedure, if the UE is registered to a new PLMN which is in the list of equivalent PLMNs.

2) if the network does not include the Re-attempt indicator IE to indicate whether re-attempt in A/Gb or Iu mode or N1 mode is allowed, or the UE ignores the Re-attempt indicator IE, e.g. because the Back-off timer value IE is not included, then:

– if the UE is registered in its HPLMN or in a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present), the UE shall apply the configured SM_RetryAtRATChange value as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A] or in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17], if available, to determine whether the UE may attempt a PDP context activation procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in A/Gb or Iu mode or a PDU session establishment procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in N1 mode; and

NOTE 2: The way to choose one of the configured SM_RetryAtRATChange values for back-off timer value is up to UE implementation if the UE is configured with:

– an SM_RetryAtRATChange value in ME as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A]; and

– an SM_RetryAtRATChange value in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17].

– if the UE is not registered in its HPLMN or in a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present), or if the NAS configuration MO as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A] is not available and the value for inter-system change is not configured in the USIM file NASCONFIG, then the UE behaviour regarding a PDP context activation procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in A/Gb or Iu mode and a PDU session establishment procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in N1 mode are unspecified; and

3) if the network includes the Re-attempt indicator IE indicating that re-attempt in an equivalent PLMN is not allowed, then depending on the timer value received in the Back-off timer value IE, for each combination of a PLMN from the equivalent PLMN list and the APN the UE shall start a back-off timer for the PDN connectivity procedure with the value provided by the network, or deactivate the respective back-off timer as follows:

– if the Re-attempt indicator IE additionally indicates that re-attempt in A/Gb or Iu mode or N1 mode is allowed, the UE shall start or deactivate the back-off timer for S1 mode only; and

– otherwise the UE shall start or deactivate the back-off timer for A/Gb, Iu, S1 and N1 mode.

If the back-off timer for a PLMN and APN combination was started or deactivated in A/Gb or Iu mode upon receipt of an ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT REJECT message (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [13]) and the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is allowed, then this back-off timer does not prevent the UE from sending a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode. If the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is not allowed, the UE shall not send any PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode until the timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed.

If a back-off timer for a PLMN and APN combination, in combination with any S-NSSAI or without S-NSSAI (see 3GPP TS 24.501 [54]) was started or deactivated in N1 mode upon receipt of a PDU SESSION ESTABLISHMENT REJECT message (see 3GPP TS 24.501 [54]) and the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is allowed, then this back-off timer does not prevent the UE from sending a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode. If the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is not allowed, the UE shall not send any PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode until the timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed. If more than one back-off timers for the same PLMN and APN combination was started in N1 mode with an indication from the network that re-attempt in S1 mode is not allowed and no back-off timer for the same PLMN and APN combination was deactivated in N1 mode, the UE shall not send any PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode until all timers have expired. If at least one back-off timer for the same PLMN and APN combination was deactivated in N1 mode, the UE shall not send any PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed.

NOTE 3: The back-off timer is used to describe a logical model of the required UE behaviour. This model does not imply any specific implementation, e.g. as a timer or timestamp.

NOTE 4: Reference to back-off timer in this section can either refer to use of timer T3396 or to use of a different packet system specific timer within the UE. Whether the UE uses T3396 as a back-off timer or it uses different packet system specific timers as back-off timers is left up to UE implementation. This back-off timer is stopped when the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed.

When the back-off timer is running or the timer is deactivated, the UE is allowed to initiate an attach procedure or PDN connectivity procedure if the procedure is for emergency bearer services.

If the ESM cause value is #28 "unknown PDN type" and the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message contained a PDN type IE indicating a PDN connection type, the UE shall ignore the Back-off timer value IE and Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network, if any. The UE may send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message with the PDN type IE indicating another PDN connection type.

If the ESM cause value is #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed", #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", #57 "PDN type IPv4v6 only allowed", #58 "PDN type non IP only allowed" or #61 "PDN type Ethernet only allowed", the UE shall ignore the Back-off timer value IE provided by the network, if any. The UE shall not automatically send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN that was sent by the UE to obtain a PDN type different from the one allowed by the network until any of the following conditions is fulfilled:

– the UE is registered to a new PLMN, and either the network did not include a Re-attempt indicator IE in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message or the Re-attempt indicator IE included in the message indicated that re-attempt in an equivalent PLMN is allowed;

– the UE is registered to a new PLMN which was not in the list of equivalent PLMNs at the time when the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message was received;

– the UE is switched off; or

– the USIM is removed.

For the ESM cause values #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed", #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", #57 "PDN type IPv4v6 only allowed", #58 "PDN type non IP only allowed" and #61 "PDN type Ethernet only allowed", the UE shall ignore the value of the RATC bit in the Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network, if any.

NOTE 5: For the ESM cause values #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed", #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", #57 "PDN type IPv4v6 only allowed", #58 "PDN type non IP only allowed" and #61 "PDN type Ethernet only allowed", re-attempt in A/Gb, Iu, or N1 mode for the same APN (or no APN, if no APN was indicated by the UE) is only allowed using the PDN type(s) indicated by the network.

Furthermore as an implementation option, for the SM cause values #50 "PDN type IPv4 only allowed", #51 "PDN type IPv6 only allowed", #57 "PDN type IPv4v6 only allowed", #58 "PDN type non IP only allowed" and #61 "PDN type Ethernet only allowed", if the network does not include a Re-attempt indicator IE the UE may decide not to automatically send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN that was sent by the UE using the same PDN type, if the UE is registered to a new PLMN which is in the list of equivalent PLMNs.

NOTE 6: Request to send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message with a specific PDN type has to come from upper layers.

If the ESM cause value is #65 "maximum number of EPS bearers reached", the UE shall determine the PLMN’s maximum number of EPS bearer contexts in S1 mode (see clause 6.5.0) as the number of active EPS bearer contexts it has. The UE shall ignore the Back-off timer value IE and Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network, if any.

NOTE 7: In some situations, when attempting to establish multiple EPS bearer contexts, the number of active EPS bearer contexts that the UE has when ESM cause #65 is received is not equal to the maximum number of EPS bearer contexts reached in the network.

NOTE 8: When the network supports emergency bearer services, it is not expected that ESM cause #65 is returned by the network when the UE requests a PDN connection for emergency bearer services.

The PLMN’s maximum number of EPS bearer contexts in S1 mode applies to the PLMN in which the ESM cause #65 "maximum number of EPS bearers reached" is received. When the UE is switched off, when the USIM is removed, or when there is a change in the value indicated by the network in the 15 bearers bit of the EPS network feature support IE, the UE shall clear all previous determinations representing PLMNs maximum number of EPS bearer contexts in S1 mode. Upon successful registration with a new PLMN, the UE may clear previous determinations representing any PLMN’s maximum number(s) of EPS bearer contexts in S1 mode.

If the ESM cause value is #66 "requested APN not supported in current RAT and PLMN combination", the UE shall take different actions depending on the Back-off timer value IE and the Re-attempt indicator IE optionally included:

1) If the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent standalone, the Back-off timer value IE is not included, and either the Re-attempt indicator IE is not included or the Re-attempt indicator IE is included indicating that re-attempt in an equivalent PLMN is allowed, the UE shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN in the current PLMN in S1 mode until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed;

2) if the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent standalone, the Back-off timer value IE is not included, and the Re-attempt indicator IE is included and indicates that re-attempt in an equivalent PLMN is not allowed, the UE shall not send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN in any PLMN in the list of equivalent PLMNs in S1 mode until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed;

3) if the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent standalone and the Back-off timer value IE is included, the UE shall take different actions depending on the timer value received in the Back-off timer value IE (if the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in selected PLMN, exceptions are specified in clause 6.3.6):

i) if the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated, the UE shall start the back-off timer with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE for the PLMN and APN combination and shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST for the same APN in the current PLMN in S1 mode until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed;

ii) if the timer value indicates that this timer is deactivated, the UE shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN in the current PLMN in S1 mode until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

iii) if the timer value indicates that this timer is zero, the UE may send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN in the current PLMN; and

4) if the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent together with an ATTACH REQUEST, the UE shall take different actions depending on the integrity protection of the ATTACH REJECT message (if the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in selected PLMN, exceptions are specified in clause 6.3.6):

i) if the ATTACH REJECT message is not integrity protected, regardless whether the Back-off timer IE is included, the UE shall start the back-off timer with a random value from a default range specified in table 11.2.3(see 3GPP TS 24.008 [13]), and shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the current PLMN in S1 mode with the same APN that was sent by the UE, until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

ii) if the ATTACH REJECT message is integrity protected, the UE shall proceed as follows:

a) if the Back-off timer value IE is included and the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated, the UE shall start the back-off timer with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE for the PDN connectivity procedure and PLMN and APN combination and shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the current PLMN in S1 mode with the same APN that was sent by the UE, until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed;

b) if the Back-off timer value IE is included and the timer value indicates that this timer is deactivated, the UE shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message in the current PLMN in S1 mode with the same APN that was sent by the UE, until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed;

c) if the Back-off timer value IE is included and the timer value indicates that this timer is zero, the UE shall proceed as specified in clause item d;

d) if the Back-off timer value IE is not included, and either the Re-attempt indicator IE is not included or the Re-attempt indicator IE is included indicating that re-attempt in an equivalent PLMN is allowed, the UE shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN in the current PLMN in S1 mode until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

e) if the Back-off timer value IE is not included, and the Re-attempt indicator IE is included and indicates that re-attempt in an equivalent PLMN is not allowed, the UE shall not initiate a new attach procedure or send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN in any PLMN in the list of equivalent PLMNs in S1 mode until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed.

NOTE 9: Receiving ESM cause value #66 during an attach procedure without APN is not expected and the UE behaviour is implementation specific.

If the network includes the Re-attempt indicator IE indicating that re-attempt in an equivalent PLMN is not allowed, then

– for cases 3.i, 4.i and 4.ii.a the UE shall additionally start a back-off timer with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE for the PDN connectivity procedure for each combination of a PLMN from the equivalent PLMN list and the APN; and

– for cases 3.ii and 4.ii.b the UE shall deactivate the respective back-off timers for the PDN connectivity procedure for each combination of a PLMN from the equivalent PLMN list and the APN.

For the ESM cause value #66 "requested APN not supported in current RAT and PLMN combination" the UE shall ignore the value of the RATC bit in the Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network, if any.

As an implementation option, for cases 1, 3.i, 3.ii, 4.iv, 4.v.a and 4.v.b, if the Re-attempt indicator IE is not included, the UE may decide not to automatically send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for the same APN in a PLMN which is in the list of equivalent PLMNs.

If the ESM cause value is #54 "PDN connection does not exist", the UE shall ignore the Back-off timer value IE and Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network, if any, and take different actions as follows:

– if the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent standalone, the UE shall set the request type to "initial request" in the subsequent PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message to establish a PDN connectivity to the same APN;

– if the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent together with an ATTACH REQUEST message, the UE shall set the request type to "initial request" in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message which is included in the subsequent ATTACH REQUEST message to establish a PDN connectivity to the same APN.

NOTE 10: User interaction is necessary in some cases when the UE cannot re-activate the EPS bearer context(s) automatically.

If the PDN connection is for UAS services, and the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message includes the extended protocol configuration options IE containing the service-level-AA container with the length of two octets , and the service-level-AA container with the length of two octets contains the service-level-AA response parameter with the SLAR field set to "Service level authentication and authorization was not successful or service level authorization is revoked", then the UE supporting UAS services shall consider the UUAA procedure as failed and not attempt to establish a PDN connection for UAS services. Handling the maximum number of active EPS bearer contexts

If the maximum number of active EPS bearer contexts is reached at the UE (see clause 6.5.0) and the upper layers of the UE request connectivity to a PDN the UE shall not send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message unless an active EPS bearer is deactivated. If the UE needs to de-activate an active EPS bearer context, choosing which EPS bearer context to de-activate is implementation specific, however the UE shall not deactivate an EPS bearer context for emergency.

NOTE: Clause specifies that a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message with the same combination of APN and PDN type as an already existing, non-emergency PDN connection can be acceptable, in some cases. In these cases the UE does not need to de-activate an active EPS bearer context if the maximum number of active EPS bearer contexts is reached at the UE.

If the UE needs to de-activate an EPS bearer context in order to request an emergency EPS bearer context, it shall either de-activate an EPS bearer context locally or via explicit signalling. If the UE performs local de-activation, the UE shall perform tracking area updating procedure to indicate EPS bearer context status to the network. Void Handling the maximum number of active user plane radio bearers in NB-S1 mode

When the maximum number of active user plane radio bearers in NB-S1 mode is reached (see clause 6.5.0) and upper layers request for more DRBs for PDN connections other than PDN connections with those DRBs, the UE can choose to release one or more of the PDN connections to cater for the upper layer request. The choice of which PDN connection to be released is implementation specific.

If the maximum number of active user plane radio bearers in NB-S1 mode is reached and the upper layers of the UE request user-plane resources for exception data reporting, the UE shall release a PDN connection that has user-plane resources to cater for the request for exception data reporting. The choice of which PDN connection to be released is implementation specific.

If the UE needs to release a PDN connection for the reasons stated in this clause, a PDN connection that is used for exception data reporting shall not be released.

If the UE releases a PDN connection to cater for the upper layer request, the UE shall release the PDN connection via explicit ESM signalling. Abnormal cases in the UE

The following abnormal cases can be identified:

a) T3482 expired

On the first expiry of the timer T3482:

– if the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message was sent with request type set to "emergency" or "handover of emergency bearer services" in a stand-alone PDN connectivity procedure, then the UE shall:

a) inform the upper layers of the failure to establish the emergency bearer; or

NOTE: This can result in the upper layers requesting establishment of a CS emergency call (if not already attempted in the CS domain), or other implementation specific mechanisms, e.g. procedures specified in 3GPP TS 24.229 [13D] can result in the emergency call being attempted to another IP-CAN.

b) detach locally, if not detached already, attempt EPS attach for emergency bearer services.

– otherwise, the UE shall resend the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST and shall reset and restart timer T3482. This retransmission is repeated four times, i.e. on the fifth expiry of timer T3482, the UE shall abort the procedure, release the PTI allocated for this invocation and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE.

b) T3447 is running

The UE shall not send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message when the UE is in EMM-CONNECTED mode after the UE attached without PDN connection, unless:

– establishment of a PDN connection for emergency bearer services is requested;

– the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in the selected PLMN; or

– a network initiated signalling message has been received.

The PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message can be sent, if still necessary, when timer T3447 expires. Abnormal cases on the network side

The following abnormal cases can be identified:

a) UE initiated PDN connectivity request for an already existing PDN connection:

If the network receives a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message with the same combination of APN and PDN type as an already existing PDN connection,

If the information elements in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message do not differ from the ones received within the previous PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message, and the MME has not received the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT ACCEPT message from UE, the network shall resend the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message and continue the previous procedure.

If one or more information elements in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message differ from the ones received within the previous PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message, and multiple PDN connections for a given APN are not allowed, the network may deactivate the existing EPS bearer contexts for the PDN connection locally without notification to the UE and proceed with the requested PDN connectivity procedure or may reject this PDN connectivity procedure including the ESM cause #55 "multiple PDN connections for a given APN not allowed", in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message.

If the network receives a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message with request type "emergency" and the MME has not received the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT ACCEPT message from UE for the previous PDN connectivity request for emergency bearer services, the network shall resend the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message and continue the previous procedure. If there is already a PDN connection for emergency bearer services existing, the MME shall reject the request with ESM cause #55 "multiple PDN connections for a given APN not allowed" or deactivate the existing EPS bearer contexts for the PDN connection locally without notification to the UE and proceed with the requested PDN connectivity procedure.

b) UE initiated PDN connectivity request with request type "handover" for a PDN connection that does not exist:

If the network receives a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message for either a default APN or a specific APN with request type set to "handover" and the MME does not have any information about that PDN connection, then MME shall reject the PDN connectivity request procedure including the ESM cause #54 "PDN connection does not exist", in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message.

c) ESM information not received:

If the ESM information transfer flag in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message has been set and the ESM information is not received before the final expiry of timer T3489 as described in clause, the MME shall reject the PDN connectivity request procedure including the ESM cause #53 "ESM information not received", in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message.

d) Additional UE initiated PDN connectivity request received from a UE that is attached for emergency bearer services:

The MME shall reject the request with ESM cause #31 "request rejected, unspecified".

e) A PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message with request type "handover of emergency bearer services" received from a UE and the MME does not have any information about a P-GW currently providing emergency bearer services for the UE or the MME is not configured with an address of a P-GW in the MME emergency configuration data:

MME shall reject the PDN connectivity request procedure including the ESM cause #54 "PDN connection does not exist", in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message.

f) Additional UE initiated PDN connectivity request received from a UE that is attached for access to RLOS:

The MME shall reject the request with ESM cause #31 "request rejected, unspecified".

g) PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message received from a UE which is in a location where the PLMN is not allowed to operate

If the MME determines that the UE is in a location where the PLMN is not allowed to operate, the MME discards the message. Handling PDN connectivity request for UE configured for dual priority

If a PDN connection exists that was established due to a request including a low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority" and the upper layers of the UE request to establish a PDN connection with the same APN and a low priority indicator set to "MS is not configured for NAS signalling low priority", when initiating the PDN connectivity request procedure, the UE shall:

– send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message with the same combination of APN and PDN type as the existing PDN connection. If the UE receives a PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message with ESM cause #55 "multiple PDN connections for a given APN not allowed", the upper layers are informed of this; or

– send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message with the same APN after the successful deactivation of the existing PDN connection.

NOTE: The above list of options also apply for the case when the existing PDN connection was established due to a request including a low priority indicator set to "MS is not configured for NAS signalling low priority" and the new request to establish a PDN connection with the same APN contains a low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority".

As an alternative the upper layers of the UE can request to establish a PDN connection with a different APN.

6.5.2 UE requested PDN disconnect procedure General

The purpose of the UE requested PDN disconnection procedure is for a UE to request disconnection from one PDN. If EMM-REGISTERED without PDN connection is not supported by the UE or the MME, the UE can initiate this procedure to disconnect from any PDN as long as it is connected to at least one other PDN. If EMM-REGISTERED without PDN connection is supported by the UE and the MME, the UE can initiate this procedure to disconnect from any PDN. With this procedure, all EPS bearer contexts established towards this PDN, including the default EPS bearer context, are released.

The UE is allowed to initiate the PDN disconnection procedure even if the timer T3396 is running. UE requested PDN disconnection procedure initiation

In order to request PDN disconnection from a PDN, the UE shall send a PDN DISCONNECT REQUEST message to the MME, start the timer T3492 and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION PENDING (see example in figure The PDN DISCONNECT REQUEST message shall include the EPS bearer identity of the default bearer associated with the PDN to disconnect from as the linked EPS bearer identity in the PDN DISCONNECT REQUEST message.

Figure UE requested PDN disconnection procedure UE requested PDN disconnection procedure accepted by the network

Upon receipt of the PDN DISCONNECT REQUEST message, if it is accepted by the network, the MME shall initiate the bearer context deactivation procedure by sending the DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message including the linked EPS bearer identity of the default bearer associated with the PDN to disconnect from and the PTI. The behaviour of the MME is described in clause 6.4.4.

Upon receipt of the DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message with a PTI which matches the value used for the PDN DISCONNECT REQUEST message, the UE shall stop the timer T3492 and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE. The behaviour of the UE is described in clause 6.4.4. The UE should ensure that the procedure transaction identity (PTI) assigned to this procedure is not released immediately. The way to achieve this is implementation dependent. While the PTI value is not released, the UE regards any received DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message with the same PTI value as a network retransmission (see clause 7.3.1).

On reception of DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT ACCEPT message from the UE, the MME releases all the resources reserved for the PDN in the network. UE requested PDN disconnection procedure not accepted by the network

Upon receipt of the PDN DISCONNECT REQUEST message, if it is not accepted by the network, the MME shall send a PDN DISCONNECT REJECT message to the UE. The PDN DISCONNECT REJECT message shall contain the PTI and an ESM cause IE that typically indicates one of the following ESM cause values:

#35: PTI already in use;

#43: invalid EPS bearer identity;

#49: last PDN disconnection not allowed;

#95 – 111: protocol errors.

If EMM-REGISTERED without PDN connection is supported by the UE and the MME, then ESM cause #49 "last PDN disconnection not allowed" is not applicable.

Upon receipt of the PDN DISCONNECT REJECT message, the UE shall stop the timer T3492, enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE and abort the PDN disconnection procedure. Additionally, in all cases with the exception of the UE having received ESM cause #49 "last PDN disconnection not allowed" if EMM-REGISTERED without PDN connection is not supported by the UE or the MME, the UE shall deactivate all EPS bearer contexts for this PDN connection locally without peer-to-peer signalling between the UE and the MME. If the UE receives ESM cause #49 "last PDN disconnection not allowed" and the UE has any other PDN connections established, the UE may locally deactivate, without peer-to-peer signalling between the UE and the MME, all EPS bearer contexts associated with those other PDN connections. Abnormal cases in the UE

The following abnormal cases can be identified:

a) Expiry of timer T3492:

On the first expiry of the timer T3492, the UE shall resend the PDN DISCONNECT REQUEST and shall reset and restart timer T3492. This retransmission is repeated four times, i.e. on the fifth expiry of timer T3492, the UE shall abort the procedure, deactivate all EPS bearer contexts for this PDN connection locally without peer-to-peer signalling between the UE and the MME, release the PTI allocated for this invocation and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE. In order to synchronize EPS bearer contexts status with the MME, on indication of "back to E-UTRAN coverage" from the lower layers, the UE shall send a TRACKING AREA UPDATE REQUEST message that includes the EPS bearer context status IE to the MME.

b) Collision of UE requested PDN disconnect procedure and dedicated EPS bearer context activation procedure:

When the UE receives an ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message during the PDN disconnect procedure, and the EPS bearer to be activated belongs to the PDN connection the UE wants to disconnect, the UE shall ignore the ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message and proceed with the PDN disconnect procedure.

c) Collision of UE requested PDN disconnect procedure and EPS bearer context modification:

When the UE receives a MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message during the PDN disconnect procedure, and the EPS bearer to be modified belongs to the PDN connection the UE wants to disconnect, the UE shall ignore the MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message and proceed with the PDN disconnect procedure.

d) Collision of UE requested PDN disconnect procedure and EPS bearer context deactivation procedure:

When the UE receives a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message during the PDN disconnect procedure, and the EPS bearer indicated in the DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message is a dedicated EPS bearer belonging to the PDN connection the UE wants to disconnect, the UE shall proceed with both procedures. Abnormal cases on the network side

The following abnormal cases can be identified:

a) No PDN connection with the linked EPS bearer identity activated:

If the linked EPS bearer identity included in the PDN DISCONNECT REQUEST message does not belong to the default EPS bearer context of an established PDN connection, the MME shall reply with a PDN DISCONNECT REJECT message with ESM cause #43 "invalid EPS bearer identity".

b) PDN DISCONNECT REQUEST message received from a UE which is in a location where the PLMN is not allowed to operate

If the MME determines that the UE is in a location where the PLMN is not allowed to operate, the MME discards the message.

6.5.3 UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure General

The purpose of the UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure is for a UE to request an allocation of bearer resources for a traffic flow aggregate. The UE requests a specific QoS demand (QCI) and optionally sends a GBR requirement for a new traffic flow aggregate. If accepted by the network, this procedure invokes a dedicated EPS bearer context activation procedure (see clause 6.4.2) or an EPS bearer context modification procedure (see clause 6.4.3).

If there is a PDN connection for emergency bearer services established, the UE shall not request additional bearer resources for this PDN connection. UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure initiation

In order to request the allocation of bearer resources for one traffic flow aggregate, the UE shall send a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message to the MME, start timer T3480 and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION PENDING (see example in figure

The UE shall include the EPS bearer identity of the default EPS bearer associated with the requested bearer resource in the Linked EPS bearer identity IE. The UE shall set the TFT operation code in the Traffic flow aggregate IE to "Create new TFT". The packet filters in the Traffic flow aggregate IE shall include at least one packet filter applicable for the uplink direction. In the Required traffic flow QoS IE, the UE shall indicate a QCI and, if the UE also includes a GBR, the additional GBR required for the traffic flow aggregate.

Figure UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure

For the NBIFOM procedures as defined in 3GPP TS 24.161 [36], the UE may send a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message to the MME. If the traffic flow aggregate IE is not needed in those procedures, the UE shall set:

– the length indicator of the Traffic flow aggregate IE to the value 1;

– the TFT operation code to "000";

– the E bit to zero; and

– the number of packet filters to zero;

and in the Required traffic flow QoS IE:

– the length indicator to the value 1; and

– the QCI to zero. UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure accepted by the network

Upon receipt of the BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message, the MME checks whether the resources requested by the UE can be established by verifying the EPS bearer identity given in the Linked EPS bearer identity IE to be any of the active default EPS bearer context(s).

If the bearer resource allocation requested is accepted by the network, the MME shall initiate either a dedicated EPS bearer context activation procedure or an EPS bearer context modification procedure. Upon receipt of an ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message with a PTI which matches the value used for the BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message, the UE shall stop timer T3480 and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE. The UE should ensure that the procedure transaction identity (PTI) assigned to this procedure is not released immediately. The way to achieve this is implementation dependent. While the PTI value is not released, the UE regards any received ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message with the same PTI value as a network retransmission (see clause 7.3.1).

If the ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message is received, the UE shall verify that the EPS bearer identity given in the EPS bearer identity IE is not already used by any EPS bearer context. The UE shall then proceed as described in clause or clause

If the MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message is received, the UE verifies that the EPS bearer identity given in the EPS bearer identity IE is any of the active EPS bearer contexts. The UE shall then proceed as described in clause or clause UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure not accepted by the network General

If the bearer resource allocation requested cannot be accepted by the network, the MME shall send a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REJECT message to the UE. The message shall contain the PTI and an ESM cause value indicating the reason for rejecting the UE requested bearer resource allocation.

The ESM cause value typically indicates one of the following:

#26: insufficient resources;

#30: request rejected by Serving GW or PDN GW;

#31: request rejected, unspecified;

#32: service option not supported;

#33: requested service option not subscribed;

#34: service option temporarily out of order;

#35: PTI already in use;

#37: EPS QoS not accepted;

#41: semantic error in the TFT operation;

#42: syntactical error in the TFT operation;

#43: invalid EPS bearer identity;

#44: semantic error(s) in packet filter(s);

#45: syntactical error(s) in packet filter(s);

#56: collision with network initiated request;

#59: unsupported QCI value;

#60: bearer handling not supported;

#65: maximum number of EPS bearers reached; or

#95 – 111: protocol errors.

If the bearer resource allocation requested is for an established LIPA PDN connection or SIPTO at the local network PDN connection, then the network shall reply with a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REJECT message with ESM cause #60 "bearer handling not supported".

If the requested new TFT is not available, then the BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REJECT message shall be sent.

The TFT in the request message is checked by the network for different types of TFT IE errors as follows:

a) Semantic errors in TFT operations:

1) When the TFT operation is an operation other than "Create a new TFT".

The network shall reject the allocation request with ESM cause #41 "semantic error in the TFT operation".

b) Syntactical errors in TFT operations:

1) When the TFT operation = "Create a new TFT" and the packet filter list in the TFT IE is empty.

2) When there are other types of syntactical errors in the coding of the TFT IE, such as a mismatch between the number of packet filters subfield, and the number of packet filters in the packet filter list.

The network shall reject the allocation request with ESM cause #42 "syntactical error in the TFT operation".

c) Semantic errors in packet filters:

1) When a packet filter consists of conflicting packet filter components which would render the packet filter ineffective, i.e. no IP packet will ever fit this packet filter. How the network determines a semantic error in a packet filter is outside the scope of the present document.

2) When the resulting TFT does not contain any packet filter which applicable for the uplink direction.

The network shall reject the allocation request with ESM cause #44 "semantic errors in packet filter(s)".

d) Syntactical errors in packet filters:

1) When the TFT operation = "Create a new TFT" and two or more packet filters in the resultant TFT would have identical packet filter identifiers.

2) When the TFT operation = "Create a new TFT" and two or more packet filters among all TFTs associated with the PDN connection would have identical packet filter precedence values.

3) When there are other types of syntactical errors in the coding of packet filters, such as the use of a reserved value for a packet filter component identifier.

In case 2, if the old packet filters do not belong to the default EPS bearer context, the network shall not diagnose an error, shall further process the new request and, if it was processed successfully, shall delete the old packet filters which have identical filter precedence values. Furthermore, the network shall perform an EPS bearer context deactivation request procedure to deactivate the dedicated EPS bearer context(s) for which it has deleted the packet filters.

In case 2, if one or more old packet filters belong to the default EPS bearer context, the network shall release the relevant PDN connection using the EPS bearer context deactivation procedure. If it is the last remaining PDN connection and EMM-REGISTERED without PDN connection is not supported by the UE or the MME, the network shall detach the UE using detach type "re-attach required".

Otherwise the network shall reject the allocation request with ESM cause #45 "syntactical errors in packet filter(s)".

The network may include a Back-off timer value IE in the BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REJECT message.

If the Back-off timer value IE is included and the ESM cause value is different from #26 "insufficient resources" and #65 "maximum number of EPS bearers reached", the network may include the Re-attempt indicator IE to indicate:

– whether the UE is allowed to attempt a secondary PDP context activation procedure in the PLMN for the same APN in A/Gb or Iu mode or a PDU session modification procedure in the PLMN for the same APN in N1 mode; and

– whether another attempt in A/Gb and Iu mode, in S1 mode or in N1 mode is allowed in an equivalent PLMN.

Upon receipt of a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REJECT message, the UE shall stop the timer T3480, release the traffic flow aggregate description associated to the PTI value, and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE. Handling of network rejection due to ESM cause #26

If the ESM cause value is #26 "insufficient resources" and the Back-off timer value IE is included, the UE shall ignore the Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network, if any, and take different actions depending on the timer value received for timer T3396 in the Back-off timer value IE (if the UE is configured for dual priority, exceptions are specified in clause 6.5.5; if the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in selected PLMN, exceptions are specified in clause 6.3.5):

i) if the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated, the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with the corresponding APN, if it is running. The UE shall then start T3396 with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE and not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN until timer T3396 expires or timer T3396 is stopped. If the UE did not provide an APN for the establishment of the PDN connection and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", the UE shall stop the timer T3396 associated with no APN if it is running. The UE shall start timer T3396 with the received value and not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", or another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE, until timer T3396 expires or timer T3396 is stopped. The UE shall not stop timer T3396 upon a PLMN change or inter-system change;

ii) if the timer value indicates that this timer is deactivated, the UE shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed or the UE receives an ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST, ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message for the same APN from the network or a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message including ESM cause #39 "reactivation requested" for a default EPS bearer context for the same APN from the network. If the UE did not provide an APN for the establishment of the PDN connection and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", the UE shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", or another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without APN provided by the UE, until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed, or the UE receives an ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST, ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE, or a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message including ESM cause #39 "reactivation requested" for a default EPS bearer context of a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE. The timer T3396 remains deactivated upon a PLMN change or inter-system change; or

iii) if the timer value indicates zero, the UE:

– shall stop timer T3396 associated with the corresponding APN, if running, and may send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN; and

– if the UE did not provide an APN for the establishment of the PDN connection and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with no APN, if running, and may send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message without an APN, or another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE.

If the Back-off timer value IE is not included, the UE may send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST messages for the same APN.

The further actions to be performed by the UE are implementation dependent as part of upper layers responsibility.

If the timer T3396 is running when the UE enters state EMM-DEREGISTERED, the UE remains switched on, and the USIM in the UE remains the same, then timer T3396 is kept running until it expires or it is stopped.

If the UE is switched off when the timer T3396 is running, and if the USIM in the UE remains the same when the UE is switched on, the UE behaves as follows:

– let t1 be the time remaining for T3396 timeout at switch off and let t be the time elapsed between switch off and switch on. If t1 is greater than t, then the timer shall be restarted with the value t1 – t. If t1 is equal to or less than t, then the timer need not be restarted. If the UE is not capable of determining t, then the UE shall restart the timer with the value t1;

– if prior to switch off, timer T3396 was running for a specific APN, because a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message containing the low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority" was rejected with a timer value for timer T3396, and if timer T3396 is restarted at switch on, then the UE configured for dual priority shall handle session management requests as indicated in clause 6.5.5; and

– if prior to switch off timer T3396 was running because a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST without APN sent together with an ATTACH REQUEST message containing the low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority" was rejected with a timer value for timer T3396, and if timer T3396 is restarted at switch on, then the UE configured for dual priority shall handle session management requests as indicated in clause 6.5.5. Handling of network rejection due to ESM cause other than ESM cause #26

If the ESM cause value is different from #26 "insufficient resources" and #65 "maximum number of EPS bearers reached", and the Back-off timer value IE is included, the UE shall behave as follows depending on the timer value received in the Back-off timer value IE (if the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in selected PLMN, exceptions are specified in clause 6.3.6):

– if the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated, the UE shall start the back-off timer with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE for the bearer resource allocation procedure and PLMN and APN combination and not send another BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message in the PLMN for the same APN until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed;

– if the timer value indicates that this timer is deactivated, the UE shall not send another BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message in the PLMN for the same APN until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

– if the timer value indicates zero, the UE may send another BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message in the PLMN for the same APN.

If the Back-off timer value IE is not included, then the UE shall ignore the Re-attempt Indicator IE provided by the network, if any.

1) Additionally, if the ESM cause value is #32 "service option not supported", or #33 "requested service option not subscribed", the UE shall proceed as follows:

– if the UE is registered in the HPLMN or in a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present), the UE shall behave as described above in the present clause, using the configured SM_RetryWaitTime value as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A] or in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17], if available, as back-off timer value; and

NOTE 0: The way to choose one of the configured SM_RetryWaitTime values for back-off timer value is up to UE implementation if the UE is configured with:
– an SM_RetryWaitTime value in ME as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A]; and
– an SM_RetryWaitTime value in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17].

– otherwise, if the UE is not registered in its HPLMN or a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present) or the SM_RetryWaitTime value is not configured, the UE shall behave as described above in the present clause, using the default value of 12 minutes for the back-off timer.

2) For ESM cause values different from #32 "service option not supported", or #33 "requested service option not subscribed", the UE behaviour regarding the start of a back-off timer is unspecified.

The UE shall not stop any back-off timer upon a PLMN change or inter-system change. If the network indicates that a back-off timer for the bearer resource allocation procedure and PLMN and APN combination is deactivated, then it remains deactivated upon a PLMN change or inter-system change.

NOTE 1: This means the back-off timer can still be running or be deactivated for the given ESM procedure and PLMN and APN combination when the UE returns to the PLMN or when it performs inter-system change back from A/Gb or Iu mode or N1 mode to S1 mode. Thus the UE can still be prevented from sending another BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message in the PLMN for the same APN.

If the back-off timer is started upon receipt of BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REJECT (i.e. the timer value was provided by the network, a configured value is available or the default value is used as explained above) or the back-off timer is deactivated, the UE behaves as follows:

1) after a PLMN change the UE may send a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN in the new PLMN, if the back-off timer is not running and is not deactivated for the bearer resource allocation procedure and the combination of new PLMN and APN;

Furthermore as an implementation option, for the ESM cause values #32 "service option not supported" or #33 "requested service option not subscribed", if the network does not include a Re-attempt indicator IE, the UE may decide not to automatically send another BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN that was sent by the UE, if the UE is registered to a new PLMN which is in the list of equivalent PLMNs.

2) if the network does not include the Re-attempt indicator IE to indicate whether re-attempt in A/Gb or Iu mode or N1 mode is allowed, or the UE ignores the Re-attempt indicator IE, e.g. because the Back-off timer value IE is not included, then:

– if the UE is registered in its HPLMN or in a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present), the UE shall apply the configured SM_RetryAtRATChange value as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A] or in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17], if available, to determine whether the UE may attempt a secondary PDP context activation procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in A/Gb or Iu mode or a PDU session modification procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in N1 mode; and

NOTE 2: The way to choose one of the configured SM_RetryAtRATChange values for back-off timer value is up to UE implementation if the UE is configured with:

– an SM_RetryAtRATChange value in ME as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A]; and

– an SM_RetryAtRATChange value in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17].

– if the UE is not registered in its HPLMN or in a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present), or if the NAS configuration MO as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A] is not available and the value for inter-system change is not configured in the USIM file NASCONFIG, then the UE behaviour regarding a secondary PDP context activation procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in A/Gb or Iu mode and a PDU session modification procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in N1 mode are unspecified; and

3) if the network includes the Re-attempt indicator IE indicating that re-attempt in an equivalent PLMN is not allowed, then depending on the timer value received in the Back-off timer value IE, for each combination of a PLMN from the equivalent PLMN list and the APN the UE shall start a back-off timer for the bearer resource allocation procedure with the value provided by the network, or deactivate the respective back-off timer as follows:

– if the Re-attempt indicator IE additionally indicates that re-attempt in A/Gb or Iu mode or N1 mode is allowed, the UE shall start or deactivate the back-off timer for S1 mode only; and

– otherwise the UE shall start or deactivate the back-off timer for A/Gb, Iu, S1 and N1 mode.

If the back-off timer for a PLMN and APN combination was started or deactivated in A/Gb or Iu mode upon receipt of an ACTIVATE SECONDARY PDP CONTEXT REJECT message (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [13]) and the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is allowed, then this back-off timer does not prevent the UE from sending a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode. If the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is not allowed, the UE shall not send any BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode until the timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed.

If a back-off timer for a PLMN and APN combination, in combination with any S-NSSAI or without S-NSSAI (see 3GPP TS 24.501 [54]) was started or deactivated in N1 mode upon receipt of a PDU SESSION MODIFICATION REJECT message (see 3GPP TS 24.501 [54]) and the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is allowed, then this back-off timer does not prevent the UE from sending a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode. If the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is not allowed, the UE shall not send any BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode until the timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed. If more than one back-off timer for the same PLMN and APN combination was started in N1 mode with an indication from the network that re-attempt in S1 mode is not allowed and no back-off timer for the same PLMN and APN combination was deactivated in N1 mode, the UE shall not send any BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode until all timers have expired. If at least one back-off timer for the same PLMN and APN combination was deactivated in N1 mode, the UE shall not send any BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed.

NOTE 3: The back-off timer is used to describe a logical model of the required UE behaviour. This model does not imply any specific implementation, e.g. as a timer or timestamp.

NOTE 4: Reference to back-off timer in this section can either refer to use of timer T3396 or to use of a different packet system specific timer within the UE. Whether the UE uses T3396 as a back-off timer or it uses different packet system specific timers as back-off timers is left up to UE implementation. This back-off timer is stopped when the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed.

If the ESM cause value is #65 "maximum number of EPS bearers reached", the UE shall determine the PLMN’s maximum number of EPS bearer contexts in S1 mode (see clause 6.5.0) as the number of active EPS bearer contexts it has. The UE shall ignore the Back-off timer value IE and Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network, if any.

NOTE 5: In some situations, when attempting to establish multiple EPS bearer contexts, the number of active EPS bearer contexts in the UE when cause #65 is received is not equal to the maximum number of EPS bearer contexts reached in the network.

The PLMN’s maximum number of EPS bearer contexts in S1 mode applies to the PLMN in which the ESM cause #65 "maximum number of EPS bearers reached" is received. When the UE is switched off or when the USIM is removed, the UE shall clear all previous determinations representing any PLMN’s maximum number of EPS bearer contexts in S1 mode. Upon successful registration with a new PLMN, the UE may clear previous determinations representing any PLMN’s maximum number of EPS bearer contexts in S1 mode.

The further actions to be performed by the UE are implementation dependent as part of upper layers responsibility. Handling the maximum number of active EPS bearer contexts

If the UE requests allocation of additional bearer resources, and the network has reached its maximum number of active EPS bearer contexts, then the network can:

– reject the request if the network decides that it is necessary to allocate a dedicated EPS bearer context; or

– accept the request by sending a MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message.

NOTE: An example of where the network will reject the request for allocation of additional bearer resources is when the request includes a GBR requirement while all existing bearers are non-GBR bearers, and the maximum number of active EPS bearer contexts has been reached at the network.

If the maximum number of active EPS bearer contexts is reached at the UE (see clause 6.5.0) and the UE de-activates an active EPS bearer context prior to sending the request for additional bearer resources, then choosing which EPS bearer context to de-activate is a implementation specific, however the UE shall not deactivate a default EPS bearer context for emergency. Abnormal cases in the UE

The following abnormal cases can be identified:

a) Expiry of timer T3480:

On the first expiry of the timer T3480, the UE shall resend the BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST and shall reset and restart timer T3480. This retransmission is repeated four times, i.e. on the fifth expiry of timer T3480, the UE shall abort the procedure, release the PTI allocated for this activation and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE.

b) Unknown EPS bearer context

Upon receipt of the BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REJECT message including ESM cause #43 "invalid EPS bearer identity", the UE shall deactivate the existing default EPS bearer context locally without peer-to-peer signalling between the UE and the MME and shall stop the timer T3480.

c) Collision of a UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure and an EPS bearer context deactivation procedure.

When the UE receives a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message for the default EPS bearer context related to the UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure, the UE shall abort the UE requested bearer resource allocation procedure and shall stop the timer T3480 and proceed with the EPS bearer context deactivation procedure. Abnormal cases on the network side

The following abnormal case can be identified:

a) No PDN connection with the linked EPS bearer identity activated:

If the linked EPS bearer identity included in the BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message does not belong to the default EPS bearer context of an established PDN connection, the MME shall reply with a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REJECT message with ESM cause #43 "invalid EPS bearer identity".

b) BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message received for a PDN connection established for emergency bearer services:

The MME shall reply with a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REJECT message with ESM cause #31 "request rejected, unspecified".

c) BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message received from a UE which is in a location where the PLMN is not allowed to operate

If the MME determines that the UE is in a location where the PLMN is not allowed to operate, the MME discards the message.

6.5.4 UE requested bearer resource modification procedure General

The purpose of the UE requested bearer resource modification procedure is for a UE to:

a) request a modification;

b) release of bearer resources for a traffic flow aggregate;

c) modify a traffic flow aggregate by replacing packet filters or adding packet filters;

d) re-negotiate header compression configuration associated to an EPS bearer context;

e) indicate a change of 3GPP PS data off UE status for a PDN connection; or

f) transmit information for the C2 authorization for the UAS services.

When requesting a modification of bearer resources for a traffic flow aggregate or a modification of a traffic flow aggregate, the UE can modify the existing GBR. If accepted by the network, this procedure invokes a dedicated EPS bearer context activation procedure (see clause 6.4.2), an EPS bearer context modification procedure (see clause 6.4.3), or an EPS bearer context deactivation procedure (see clause 6.4.4).

If there is a PDN connection for emergency bearer services established, the UE shall not request a modification of bearer resources for this PDN connection.

When the UE requested bearer resource modification procedure is used to indicate a change of 3GPP PS data off UE status for a PDN connection (see clause 6.3.10), the UE shall initiate the UE requested bearer resource modification procedure even if the timer T3396 or the back-off timer is running or is deactivated. UE requested bearer resource modification procedure initiation

In order to request the modification of bearer resources for one traffic flow aggregate, the UE shall send a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message to the MME, start timer T3481 and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION PENDING (see example in figure

The UE shall include the EPS bearer identity of the EPS bearer associated with the traffic flow aggregate in the EPS bearer identity for packet filter IE.

To request a change of the GBR without changing the packet filter(s), the UE shall set the TFT operation code in the Traffic flow aggregate IE to "no TFT operation" and include the packet filter identifier(s) to which the change of the GBR applies in the Packet filter identifier parameter in the parameters list. The UE shall indicate the new GBR requested for the EPS bearer context in the Required traffic flow QoS IE.

To request a modification of a traffic flow aggregate, the UE shall set the TFT operation code in the Traffic flow aggregate IE to "Replace packet filters in existing TFT" or "Add packet filters to existing TFT". If the TFT operation code is set to "Add packet filters to existing TFT", the UE shall include in the parameter list one existing packet filter identifier to which the newly added packet filter(s) is linked. If the EPS bearer is a GBR bearer and the UE also wishes to request a change of GBR, the UE shall indicate the new GBR requested for the EPS bearer context in the Required traffic flow QoS IE.

To request a release of bearer resources, the UE shall set the TFT operation code in the Traffic flow aggregate IE to "Delete packet filters from existing TFT". If the EPS bearer is a GBR bearer and the UE does not request the release of all bearer resources, the UE shall indicate the new GBR requested for the EPS bearer context in the Required traffic flow QoS IE.

To request re-negotiation of header compression configuration associated to an EPS bearer context, the UE shall include the Header compression configuration IE in the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message if the network indicated "Control plane CIoT EPS optimization supported" and "Header compression for control plane CIoT EPS optimization supported" in the EPS network feature support IE.

After an inter-system change from N1 mode to S1 mode, if:

a) the UE is operating in single-registration mode and has received the interworking without N26 interface indicator set to "interworking without N26 interface not supported" from the network;

b) the PDN type value of the PDN type IE is set to "IPv4", "IPv6" or "IPv4v6";

c) the UE indicates "Control plane CIoT EPS optimization supported" and "Header compression for control plane CIoT EPS optimization supported" in the UE network capability IE of the TRACKING AREA UPDATE REQUEST message; and

d) the network indicates "Control plane CIoT EPS optimization supported" and "Header compression for control plane CIoT EPS optimization supported" in the EPS network feature support IE of the TRACKING AREA UPDATE ACCEPT message;

the UE shall send a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message to the MME and include the Header compression configuration IE to negotiate the header compression configuration.

To indicate a change of 3GPP PS data off UE status associated to a PDN connection, the UE shall include the protocol configuration options IE in the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message and set the 3GPP PS data off UE status only if:

– the network included the 3GPP PS data off support indication in the protocol configuration options IE in the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message when the PDN connection was established; or

– the PDU session was established when in N1 mode.

To indicate a change of 3GPP PS data off UE status, the UE shall include the EPS bearer identity of the default EPS bearer context of the PDN connection, for which the UE wishes a change of the 3GPP PS data off UE status, in the EPS bearer identity for packet filter IE.

The UE behaves as described in clause 6.3.10.

If the UE requests the modification of a traffic flow aggregate, which is assigned to a dedicated EPS bearer context, it shall ensure that at least one packet filter applicable for the uplink direction remains among the packet filters created on request from the UE in that TFT, or no own packet filters.

NOTE: If the UE requests the release of all bearer resources of a GBR bearer and includes a Required traffic flow QoS IE in the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message, the network ignores the Required traffic flow QoS IE.

If the UE includes the Required traffic flow QoS IE, the UE shall set the QCI to the current QCI value of the EPS bearer context.

If the UE requests the release of bearer resources, the ESM cause value typically indicates one of the following:

#36: regular deactivation.

To perform authorization for the C2 communication when a PDN connection is already established for the USS communication, the UE shall include the extended protocol configuration options IE in the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message containing the service-level-AA container with the length of two octets. In the service-level-AA container with the length of two octets, the UE shall include:

a) the service-level device ID, with the value set to CAA-level UAV ID;

b) if provided by the upper layers, the service-level-AA payload type parameter with the value set to "C2 authorization payload"; and

c) the service-level-AA payload parameter, with the value set to C2 authorization payload.

NOTE: C2 authorization payload can contain pairing information for C2 communication and flight authorization information.

Figure UE requested bearer resource modification procedure

For the NBIFOM procedures as defined in 3GPP TS 24.161 [36], the UE may send a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message to the MME.

It is possible that the traffic flow aggregate IE is not needed in the following procedures:

– re-negotiation of header compression configuration associated to an EPS bearer context;

– indicating a change of 3GPP PS data off UE status associated to a PDN connection; or

– NBIFOM procedures.

If the traffic flow aggregate IE is not needed, the UE shall set:

– the length indicator of the Traffic flow aggregate IE to the value 1;

– the TFT operation code to "000";

– the E bit to zero; and

– the number of packet filters to zero. UE requested bearer resource modification procedure accepted by the network

Upon receipt of the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message, the MME checks whether the resources requested by the UE can be established, modified or released by verifying the EPS bearer identity given in the EPS bearer identity for packet filter IE.

If the bearer resource modification requested is accepted by the network, the MME shall initiate either a dedicated EPS bearer context activation procedure, an EPS bearer context modification procedure or an EPS bearer context deactivation procedure.

If the request to re-negotiate header compression configuration associated to an EPS bearer context is accepted by the network, the MME shall initiate an EPS bearer context modification procedure.

If the bearer resource modification requests a release of bearer resources that results in the TFT of the EPS bearer context containing only packet filters applicable to the uplink direction, the network may initiate the EPS bearer context deactivation procedure.

Upon receipt of an ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST, MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message with a PTI which matches the value used for the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message, the UE shall stop timer T3481 and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE. The UE should ensure that the procedure transaction identity (PTI) assigned to this procedure is not released immediately. The way to achieve this is implementation dependent. While the PTI value is not released, the UE regards any received ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message with the same PTI value as a network retransmission (see clause 7.3.1).

i) If the ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message is received, the UE shall verify that the EPS bearer identity given in the EPS bearer identity IE is not already used by any EPS bearer context. The UE shall then proceed as described in clause or clause

ii) If the MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message is received, the UE verifies that the EPS bearer identity given in the EPS bearer identity IE is any of the active EPS bearer contexts. The UE shall then proceed as described in clause or clause

iii) If the DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message is received, the UE verifies that the EPS bearer identity given in the EPS bearer identity IE is one of the active EPS bearer contexts. The UE shall then proceed as described in clause

In case i, after successful completion of the dedicated EPS bearer context activation procedure, the network may initiate an EPS bearer context modification procedure to delete the packet filters which have packet filter identifiers indicated by the UE in the Traffic flow aggregate IE in the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message and for which the network created new packet filters during the dedicated EPS bearer context activation procedure. In this case the MME shall set the procedure transaction identity value in the MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message to "no procedure transaction identity assigned". UE requested bearer resource modification procedure not accepted by the network General

If the bearer resource modification requested cannot be accepted by the network, the MME shall send a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message to the UE. The message shall contain the PTI and an ESM cause value indicating the reason for rejecting the UE requested bearer resource modification.

The ESM cause value typically indicates one of the following:

#26: insufficient resources;

#30: request rejected by Serving GW or PDN GW;

#31: request rejected, unspecified;

#32: service option not supported;

#33: requested service option not subscribed;

#34: service option temporarily out of order;

#35: PTI already in use;

#37: EPS QoS not accepted;

#41: semantic error in the TFT operation;

#42: syntactical error in the TFT operation;

#43: invalid EPS bearer identity;

#44: semantic error(s) in packet filter(s);

#45: syntactical error(s) in packet filter(s);

#56: collision with network initiated request;

#59: unsupported QCI value;

#60: bearer handling not supported; or

#95 – 111: protocol errors.

If the bearer resource modification requested is for an established LIPA PDN connection or SIPTO at the local network PDN connection, then the network shall reply with a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message with ESM cause #60 "bearer handling not supported".

If the requested new TFT is not available, then the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message shall be sent.

The TFT in the request message is checked by the network for different types of TFT IE errors as follows:

a) Semantic errors in TFT operations:

1) When the TFT operation is an operation other than "Replace packet filters in existing TFT", "Add packet filters to existing TFT", "Delete packet filters from existing TFT" or "No TFT operation".

2) When the TFT operation is "Replace packet filters in existing TFT", "Add packet filters to existing TFT" or "Delete packet filters from existing TFT", the EPS bearer context being modified is the default EPS bearer content and there is no TFT for the default EPS bearer context.

3) TFT operation = "Delete packet filters from existing TFT" when it would render the TFT empty.

In case 1 the network shall reject the modification request with ESM cause #41 "semantic error in the TFT operation".

In case 2, if the TFT operation is "Delete packet filters from existing TFT", the network shall further process the new request and, if no error according to items b, c, and d was detected, shall perform an EPS bearer context modification procedure including the value of EPS bearer identity for packet filter IE in the EPS bearer identity IE and a TFT IE with TFT operation = "Delete existing TFT" in the MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message.

In case 2, if the TFT operation is "Replace packet filters in existing TFT" or "Add packet filters to existing TFT", the network shall process the new request as a request with TFT operation = "Create a new TFT".

In case 3, if the packet filters belong to a dedicated EPS bearer context, the network shall process the new deletion request and, if no error according to items b, c, and d was detected, delete the existing TFT. After successful deletion of the TFT, the network shall perform an EPS bearer context deactivation request procedure to deactivate the dedicated EPS bearer context between the UE and the network.

In case 3, if the packet filters belong to the default EPS bearer context, the network shall process the new deletion request and if no error according to items b, c, and d was detected then perform an EPS bearer context modification procedure to remove the existing TFT of the default EPS bearer context, this corresponds to using match-all packet filter for the default EPS bearer context.

b) Syntactical errors in TFT operations:

1) When the TFT operation = "Replace packet filters in existing TFT", "Add packet filters to existing TFT" or "Delete packet filters from existing TFT", and the packet filter list in the TFT IE is empty.

2) TFT operation = "No TFT operation" with a non-empty packet filter list in the TFT IE.

3) TFT operation = "Replace packet filters in existing TFT" when the packet filter to be replaced does not exist in the original TFT.

4) TFT operation = "Delete packet filters from existing TFT" when the packet filter to be deleted does not exist in the original TFT.

5) Void

6) When there are other types of syntactical errors in the coding of the TFT IE, such as a mismatch between the number of packet filters subfield, and the number of packet filters in the packet filter list.

7) TFT operation = "No TFT operation" with an empty parameters list.

In case 3 the network shall not diagnose an error, shall further process the replace request and, if no error according to items c and d was detected, shall perform an EPS bearer context modification procedure using TFT operation = "Add packet filters to existing TFT" to include the packet filters received to the existing TFT.

In case 4 the network shall not diagnose an error, shall further process the deletion request and, if no error according to items c and d was detected, shall perform an EPS bearer context modification procedure including the value of EPS bearer identity for packet filter IE in the EPS bearer identity IE and a TFT IE with TFT operation = "Delete packet filters from existing TFT" and the received packet filter identifier(s) in the MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message.

Otherwise the network shall reject the modification request with ESM cause #42 "syntactical error in the TFT operation".

c) Semantic errors in packet filters:

1) When a packet filter consists of conflicting packet filter components which would render the packet filter ineffective, i.e. no IP packet will ever fit this packet filter. How the network determines a semantic error in a packet filter is outside the scope of the present document.

2) When the resulting TFT, which is assigned to a dedicated EPS bearer context, does not contain any packet filter applicable for the uplink direction.

The network shall reject the modification request with ESM cause #44 "semantic errors in packet filter(s)".

d) Syntactical errors in packet filters:

1) When the TFT operation = "Replace packet filters in existing TFT" or "Add packet filters to existing TFT", and two or more packet filters in the resultant TFT would have identical packet filter identifiers.

2) When the TFT operation = "Replace packet filters in existing TFT" or "Add packet filters to existing TFT", and two or more packet filters in all TFTs associated with the PDN connection would have identical packet filter precedence values.

3) When there are other types of syntactical errors in the coding of packet filters, such as the use of a reserved value for a packet filter component identifier.

In case 2, if the old packet filters do not belong to the default EPS bearer context, the network shall not diagnose an error, shall further process the new request and, if it was processed successfully, shall delete the old packet filters which have identical filter precedence values. Furthermore, the network shall perform an EPS bearer context deactivation procedure to deactivate the dedicated EPS bearer context(s) for which it has deleted the packet filters.

In case 2, if one or more old packet filters belong to the default EPS bearer context, the network shall release the relevant PDN connection using the EPS bearer context deactivation procedure. If the relevant PDN connection is the last one and EMM-REGISTERED without PDN connection is not supported by the UE or the MME, the network shall detach the UE using detach type "re-attach required".

Otherwise the network shall reject the modification request with ESM cause #45 "syntactical errors in packet filter(s)".

The network may include a Back-off timer value IE in the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message.

The network shall not include the ESM cause value #26 "insufficient resources" in the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message due to APN based congestion control being active.

If the Back-off timer value IE is included and the ESM cause value is not #26 "insufficient resources", the network may include the Re-attempt indicator IE to indicate:

– whether the UE is allowed to attempt a PDP context modification procedure in the PLMN for the same APN in A/Gb or Iu mode or a PDU session modification procedure in the PLMN for the same APN in N1 mode; and

– whether another attempt in A/Gb and Iu mode, in S1 mode or in N1 mode is allowed in an equivalent PLMN.

Upon receipt of a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message, the UE shall stop the timer T3481, release the traffic flow aggregate description associated to the PTI value, and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE. If the ESM cause included in the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message is #43 "invalid EPS bearer identity", the UE locally deactivates the EPS bearer context(s) without peer-to-peer ESM signalling. Handling of network rejection due to ESM cause #26

If the ESM cause value is #26 "insufficient resources" and the Back-off timer value IE is included, the UE shall ignore the Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network, if any, and take different actions depending on the timer value received for timer T3396 in the Back-off timer value IE (if the UE is configured for dual priority, exceptions are specified in clause 6.5.5; if the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in selected PLMN, exceptions are specified in clause 6.3.5):

i) if the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated, the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with the corresponding APN, if it is running. The UE shall then start T3396 with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE and not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN until timer T3396 expires or timer T3396 is stopped. If the UE did not provide an APN for the establishment of the PDN connection and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", the UE shall stop the timer T3396 associated with no APN if it is running. The UE shall start timer T3396 with the received value and not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", or another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE, until timer T3396 expires or timer T3396 is stopped. The UE shall not stop timer T3396 upon a PLMN change or inter-system change;

ii) if the timer value indicates that this timer is deactivated, the UE shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed or the UE receives an ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST, ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message for the same APN from the network or a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message including ESM cause #39 "reactivation requested" for a default EPS bearer context for the same APN from the network. If the UE did not provide an APN for the establishment of the PDN connection and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", the UE shall not send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message without an APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", or another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST with exception of those identified in clause, or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without APN provided by the UE, until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed, or the UE receives an ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST, ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST or MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE, or a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message including ESM cause #39 "reactivation requested" for a default EPS bearer context of a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE. The timer T3396 remains deactivated upon a PLMN change or inter-system change; or

iii) if the timer value indicates zero, the UE:

– shall stop timer T3396 associated with the corresponding APN, if running, and may send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for the same APN; and

– if the UE did not provide an APN for the establishment of the PDN connection and the request type was different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", the UE shall stop timer T3396 associated with no APN, if running, and may send another PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message without an APN, or another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message for a non-emergency PDN connection established without an APN provided by the UE.

If the Back-off timer value IE is not included, the UE may send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST messages for the same APN.

The further actions to be performed by the UE are implementation dependent as part of upper layers responsibility.

If the timer T3396 is running when the UE enters state EMM-DEREGISTERED, the UE remains switched on, and the USIM in the UE remains the same, then timer T3396 is kept running until it expires or it is stopped.

If the UE is switched off when the timer T3396 is running, and if the USIM in the UE remains the same when the UE is switched on, the UE behaves as follows:

– let t1 be the time remaining for T3396 timeout at switch off and let t be the time elapsed between switch off and switch on. If t1 is greater than t, then the timer shall be restarted with the value t1 – t. If t1 is equal to or less than t, then the timer need not be restarted. If the UE is not capable of determining t, then the UE shall restart the timer with the value t1;

– if prior to switch off, timer T3396 was running for a specific APN, because a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message containing the low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority" was rejected with a timer value for timer T3396, and if timer T3396 is restarted at switch on, then the UE configured for dual priority shall handle session management requests as indicated in clause 6.5.5; and

– if prior to switch off timer T3396 was running because a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST without APN sent together with an ATTACH REQUEST message containing the low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority" was rejected with a timer value for timer T3396, and if timer T3396 is restarted at switch on, then the UE configured for dual priority shall handle session management requests as indicated in clause 6.5.5. Handling of network rejection due to ESM cause other than ESM cause #26

If the ESM cause value is not #26 "insufficient resources", and the Back-off timer value IE is included, the UE shall behave as follows depending on the timer value received in the Back-off timer value IE (if the UE is a UE configured to use AC11 – 15 in selected PLMN, exceptions are specified in clause 6.3.6):

– if the timer value indicates neither zero nor deactivated, the UE shall start the back-off timer with the value provided in the Back-off timer value IE for the bearer resource modification procedure and PLMN and APN combination and not send another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message with exception of those identified in clause, in the PLMN for the same APN until the back-off timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed;

– if the timer value indicates that this timer is deactivated, the UE shall not send another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message with exception of those identified in clause, in the PLMN for the same APN until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed; and

– if the timer value indicates zero, the UE may send another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message in the PLMN for the same APN.

If the Back-off timer value IE is not included, then the UE shall ignore the Re-attempt indicator IE provided by the network, if any.

1) Additionally, if the ESM cause value is #32 "service option not supported", or #33 "requested service option not subscribed", the UE shall proceed as follows:

– if the UE is registered in the HPLMN or in a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present), the UE shall behave as described above in the present clause, using the configured SM_RetryWaitTime value as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A] or in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17], if available, as back-off timer value; and

NOTE 0: The way to choose one of the configured SM_RetryWaitTime values for back-off timer value is up to UE implementation if the UE is configured with:
– an SM_RetryWaitTime value in ME as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A]; and
– an SM_RetryWaitTime value in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17].

– otherwise, if the UE is not registered in its HPLMN or a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present) or the SM_RetryWaitTime value is not configured, the UE shall behave as described above in the present clause, using the default value of 12 minutes for the back-off timer.

2) For ESM cause values different from #32 "service option not supported", or #33 "requested service option not subscribed", the UE behaviour regarding the start of a back-off timer is unspecified.

The UE shall not stop any back-off timer upon a PLMN change or inter-system change. If the network indicates that a back-off timer for the bearer resource modification procedure and PLMN and APN combination is deactivated, then it remains deactivated upon a PLMN change or inter-system change.

NOTE 1: This means the back-off timer can still be running or be deactivated for the given ESM procedure and PLMN and APN combination when the UE returns to the PLMN or when it performs inter-system change back from A/Gb or Iu mode or N1 mode to S1 mode. Thus the UE can still be prevented from sending another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message with exception of those identified in clause, in the PLMN for the same APN.

If the back-off timer is started upon receipt of BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT (i.e. the timer value was provided by the network, a configured value is available or the default value is used as explained above) or the back-off timer is deactivated, the UE behaves as follows:

1) after a PLMN change the UE may send a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message for the same APN in the new PLMN, if the back-off timer is not running and is not deactivated for the bearer resource modification procedure and the combination of new PLMN and APN;

Furthermore as an implementation option, for the ESM cause values #32 "service option not supported" or #33 "requested service option not subscribed", if the network does not include a Re-attempt indicator IE, the UE may decide not to automatically send another BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message for the same APN that was sent by the UE, if the UE is registered to a new PLMN which is in the list of equivalent PLMNs.

2) if the network does not include the Re-attempt indicator IE to indicate whether re-attempt in A/Gb or Iu mode or N1 mode is allowed, or the UE ignores the Re-attempt indicator IE, e.g. because the Back-off timer value IE is not included, then:

– if the UE is registered in its HPLMN or in a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present), the UE shall apply the configured SM_RetryAtRATChange value as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A] or in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17], if available, to determine whether the UE may attempt a PDP context modification procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in A/Gb or Iu mode or a PDU session modification procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in N1 mode; and

NOTE 2: The way to choose one of the configured SM_RetryAtRATChange values for back-off timer value is up to UE implementation if the UE is configured with:

– an SM_RetryAtRATChange value in ME as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A]; and

– an SM_RetryAtRATChange value in USIM file NASCONFIG as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [17].

– if the UE is not registered in its HPLMN or in a PLMN that is within the EHPLMN list (if the EHPLMN list is present), or if the NAS configuration MO as specified in 3GPP TS 24.368 [15A] is not available and the value for inter-system change is not configured in the USIM file NASCONFIG, then the UE behaviour regarding a PDP context modification procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in A/Gb or Iu mode and a PDU session modification procedure for the same PLMN and APN combination in N1 mode are unspecified; and

3) if the network includes the Re-attempt indicator IE indicating that re-attempt in an equivalent PLMN is not allowed, then depending on the timer value received in the Back-off timer value IE, for each combination of a PLMN from the equivalent PLMN list and the APN the UE shall start a back-off timer for the bearer resource modification procedure with the value provided by the network, or deactivate the respective back-off timer as follows:

– if the Re-attempt indicator IE additionally indicates that re-attempt in A/Gb or Iu mode or N1 mode is allowed, the UE shall start or deactivate the back-off timer for S1 mode only; and

– otherwise the UE shall start or deactivate the back-off timer for A/Gb, Iu, S1 and N1 mode.

If the back-off timer for a PLMN and APN combination was started or deactivated upon receipt of an MODIFY PDP CONTEXT REJECT message (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [13]) and the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is allowed, then this back-off timer does not prevent the UE from sending a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode. If the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is not allowed, the UE shall not send any BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode until the timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed.

If a back-off timers for a PLMN and APN combination, in combination with any S-NSSAI or without S-NSSAI (see 3GPP TS 24.501 [54]) was started or deactivated in N1 mode upon receipt of a PDU SESSION MODIFICATION REJECT message (see 3GPP TS 24.501 [54]) and the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is allowed, then this back-off timer does not prevent the UE from sending a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode. If the network indicated that re-attempt in S1 mode is not allowed, the UE shall not send any BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode until the timer expires, the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed. If more than one back-off timer for the same PLMN and APN combination was started in N1 mode with an indication from the network that re-attempt in S1 mode is not allowed and no back-off timer for the same PLMN and APN combination was deactivated in N1 mode, the UE shall not send any BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN after inter-system change to S1 mode until all timers have expired. If at least one back-off timer for the same PLMN and APN combination was deactivated in N1 mode, the UE shall not send any BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message in this PLMN for the same APN until the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed.

NOTE 3: The back-off timer is used to describe a logical model of the required UE behaviour. This model does not imply any specific implementation, e.g. as a timer or timestamp.

NOTE 4: Reference to back-off timer in this section can either refer to use of timer T3396 or to use of a different packet system specific timer within the UE. Whether the UE uses T3396 as a back-off timer or it uses different packet system specific timers as back-off timers is left up to UE implementation. This back-off timer is stopped when the UE is switched off or the USIM is removed.

The further actions to be performed by the UE are implementation dependent as part of upper layers responsibility. Abnormal cases in the UE

The following abnormal cases can be identified:

a) Expiry of timer T3481:

On the first expiry of the timer T3481, the UE shall resend the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST and shall reset and restart timer T3481. This retransmission is repeated four times, i.e. on the fifth expiry of timer T3481, the UE shall abort the procedure, release the PTI allocated for this activation and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE. In addition, if the UE had initiated resource release for all the traffic flows for the bearer, it shall deactivate the EPS bearer context locally without peer-to-peer signalling between the UE and the MME. In order to synchronize the EPS bearer context status with the MME, on indication of "back to E-UTRAN coverage" from the lower layers, the UE shall send a TRACKING AREA UPDATE REQUEST message that includes the EPS bearer context status IE to the MME.

b) Unknown EPS bearer context:

Upon receipt of the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message including ESM cause #43 "invalid EPS bearer identity", the UE shall deactivate the existing EPS bearer context locally without peer-to-peer signalling between the UE and the MME and shall stop the timer T3481.

c) Collision of a UE requested bearer resource modification procedure and an EPS bearer context deactivation procedure:

When the UE receives a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message during the bearer resource modification procedure, and the EPS bearer identity indicated in the DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message is an EPS bearer context the UE indicated in the UE requested bearer resource modification procedure, then the UE shall abort the UE requested bearer resource modification procedure and shall stop the timer T3481 and proceed with the EPS bearer context deactivation procedure.

d) Rejection of a UE requested bearer resource modification procedure when the UE has initiated the procedure to release all traffic flows for the bearer:

Upon receipt of a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message with ESM cause value #31 "request rejected, unspecified", if the UE had initiated resource release for all the traffic flows for the bearer, it shall deactivate the EPS bearer context locally without peer-to-peer signalling between the UE and the MME and shall stop the timer T3481. In order to synchronize the EPS bearer context status with the MME, the UE may send a TRACKING AREA UPDATE REQUEST message that includes the EPS bearer context status IE to the MME.

e) Collision of UE requested bearer resource modification procedure and EPS bearer context modification procedure:

The handling of the same abnormal case as described in clause applies. Abnormal cases on the network side

The following abnormal cases can be identified:

a) Unknown EPS bearer context:

If the EPS bearer identity provided in the EPS bearer identity for packet filter IE in the BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message indicates an EPS bearer identity value and this does not belong to any already activated EPS bearer context, the MME shall reply with a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message with ESM cause #43 "invalid EPS bearer identity".

b) BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message received for a PDN connection established for emergency bearer services:

The MME shall reply with a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REJECT message with ESM cause #30 "request rejected by Serving GW or PDN GW".

c) Collision of UE requested bearer resource modification procedure and EPS bearer context modification procedure:

The handling of the same abnormal case as described in clause applies.

d) BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST message received from a UE which is in a location where the PLMN is not allowed to operate:

If the MME determines that the UE is in a location where the PLMN is not allowed to operate, the MME discards the message.

6.5.5 Handling session management request for UE configured for dual priority

If timer T3396 is running for a specific APN due to one of the following reasons:

– a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST, BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message containing the low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority" was rejected with a timer value for timer T3396 and ESM cause value #26 "insufficient resources";

– a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message was received with a timer value for timer T3396 and ESM cause value #26 "insufficient resources" for a PDN connection established with low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority", or

– because the UE received a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message containing a timer value for timer T3396 and ESM cause value #26 "insufficient resources" for a PDN connection established with low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority",

upon request of the upper layers the UE can:

– send a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message to the same APN, with low priority indicator set to "MS is not configured for NAS signalling low priority"; or,

– send a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message, with low priority indicator set to "MS is not configured for NAS signalling low priority", for a PDN connection established with low priority indicator set to "MS is not configured for NAS signalling low priority" exists.

If timer T3396 is running, because any of the following messages containing the low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority" was rejected with a timer value for timer T3396 and ESM cause value #26 "insufficient resources":

– a PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST without APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", sent together with an ATTACH REQUEST message;

– a stand-alone PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message without APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services"; or

– a BEARER RESOURCE MODIFICATION REQUEST or BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message sent for a non-emergency PDN connection established without APN provided by the UE,

or because the UE received a DEACTIVATE EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message containing a timer value for timer T3396 and ESM cause value #26 "insufficient resources" for a non-emergency PDN connection established without APN provided by the UE and established with low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority", then upon request of the upper layers the UE can initiate a new attach procedure or stand-alone PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST procedure without APN and with request type different from "emergency" and from "handover of emergency bearer services", with low priority indicator set to "MS is not configured for NAS signalling low priority".

For requests with low priority indicator set to "MS is configured for NAS signalling low priority", the UE shall follow the procedures specified in clause