B.3 Definition of media feature tag g.3gpp.accesstype

24.2923GPPIP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem Centralized Services (ICS)Release 17Stage 3TS

Media feature-tag name: g.3gpp.accesstype

ASN.1 Identifier:

Summary of the media feature indicated by this tag: This feature-tag when used in a SIP REGISTER request indicates access network technology used by the device and the particular registration flow that the device is using to register over.

Values appropriate for use with this feature-tag: string with an equality relationship.


– "wlan1": the UE is using WLAN access technology.

– "cellular2": the UE is using cellular access technology.

– "docsis4": the UE is using DOCSIS access technology.

"dsl3": the UE is using DSL access technology.

– "ethernet5": the UE is using Ethernet access technology.

This list is not exhaustive.

The feature-tag is intended primarily for use in the following applications, protocols, services, or negotiation mechanisms: This feature-tag is most useful in a communications application, for describing the capabilities of a device, such as a phone or PDA.

Examples of typical use: Indicating the access technology that the device is using

Related standards or documents: 3GPP TS 24.292: "3GPP Technical Specification: IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem Centralized Services (ICS); Stage 3"

Security Considerations: Security considerations for this media feature-tag are discussed in subclause 12.1 of IETF RFC 3840 [34].