4 ICS Managed Object

24.2863GPPIP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem Centralized Services (ICS)Management Object (MO)Release 17TS

The ICS Management Object (MO) is used to configure ICS UE behaviour for IMS Centralised Services.

The Management Object Identifier is: urn:oma:mo:ext-3gpp-ICS:1.0.

Protocol compatibility: This MO is compatible with OMA DM 1.2.

The OMA DM Access Control List (ACL) property mechanism (see OMA-ERELD-DM-V1_2 [4]) may be used to grant or deny access rights to OMA DM servers in order to modify nodes and leaf objects of the ICS MO.

The following nodes and leaf objects are possible under the ICS node as described in figure 4-1:

Figure 4-1: The ICS Management Object