7.10 Reg-event package extensions defined within the current document
24.2293GPPIP multimedia call control protocol based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP)Release 18Stage 3TS
7.10.1 General
This subclause describes the reg-event package extensions that are applicable for the IM CN subsystem.
7.10.2 Reg-Event package extension to transport wildcarded public user identities Structure and data semantics
This subclause defines an extension to the event registration package (RFC 3680 [43]) to transport policy to transport wildcarded public user identities that are encoded using regular expression.
In order to include a wildcared public user identity in the event registration package, the notifier shall
1. if the registration set of the identity whose registration status is notified contains a wildcarded public user identity, add a <wildcardedIdentity> sub-element defined in subclause of this document to the <registration> element of the wildcarded identiy;
2. for the <registration> element containing a <wildcardedIdentity> sub-element:
a) set the aor attribute to any public user identity that is represented by the wildcarded identity; and
b) set the <wildcardedIdentity> sub-element inside of the <registration> element to the wildcarded identity as received via the Cx interface.
NOTE: The public user identity that is put into the aor attribute does not have any extra privileges over any other public user identity that is represented by a wildcarded public user identity. XML Schema
Table 7.10.1 in this subclause defines the XML Schema describing the extension to transport wildcarded public user identities which can be included in the reg event package sent from the S-CSCF in NOTIFY requests.
Table 7.10.1: Wildcarded Identity, XML Schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
<xs:element name="wildcardedIdentity" type="xs:string"/>
NOTE: Multiple wildcarded elements can be included in one registration element.
7.10.3 Reg-event package extension for policy transport Scope
This subclause describes coding which extends the registration event package defined in RFC 3680 [43] to transport policy associated with a public user identity. Structure and data semantics
The policy associated with a public user identity shall be encoded as follows:
1. add an <actions> element defined in the RFC 4745 [182] in the <registration> element of the public user identity in the registration information;
NOTE: The <actions> element is validated by the <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> particle of the <registration> elements.
2. if the policy to the usage of the communication resource priority (see RFC 4412 [116]) is associated with the public user identity, then for each allowed usage:
a. include <rph> child element in the <actions> child element of the <registration> element;
b. set the ‘ns’ attribute of the <rph> child element of the <actions> child element of the <registration> element to the allowed resource priority namespace as specified in RFC 4412 [116] and as registered in IANA; and
c. set the ‘val’ attribute of the <rph> child element of the <actions> child element of the <registration> element to the allowed resource priority value within the allowed resource priority namespace;
3. if the policy to act as privileged sender (the P-CSCF passes identities for all calls) is associated with the public user identity, then include a <privSender> child element in the <actions> child element of the <registration> element;
4. if the policy for special treatment of the P-Private-Network-Indication header field (the P-CSCF allows the UE to make private calls) is associated with the public user identity, then include a <pni> child element in the <actions> child element of the <registration> element, and shall:
a. if a P-Private-Network-Indication header field shall be forwarded, if received from the attached equipment, set the "insert" attribute of the <pni> element to a "fwd" value;
b. if a P-Private-Network-Indication header field shall be inserted in all requests received from the attached equipment, insert an "insert" attribute of the <pni> element to a "ins" value; and
c. if the value of the "insert" attribute is "ins", insert a "domain" attribute with the value of the URI to be set in the P-Private-Network-Indication header field; and
5. if the policy to act as privileged sender for the calls with the P-Private-Network-Indication header field (the P-CSCF allows the UE to make private calls, and the P-CSCF passes identities only for private calls) is associated with the public user identity, then include a <privSenderPNI> child element in the <actions> child element of the <registration> element.
NOTE: If only the <privSender> child element is sent and no <privSenderPNI> child element is sent, then the <privSender> child element applies to both public network traffic and private network traffic (i.e. that with special treatment of the P-Private-Network-Indication header field). XML Schema
Table 7.10.2 in this subclause defines the XML Schema describing the individual policies which can be delivered to the P-CSCF or UE using the reg event package extension for policy transport.
Table 7.10.2: Reg event package extension for policy transport, XML Schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
<xs:element name="rph">
<xs:attribute name="ns" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="val" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="privSender">
<xs:element name="pni">
<xs:attribute name="insert">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="fwd"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ins"/>
<xs:attribute name="domain" type="xs:anyURI"/>
<xs:element name="privSenderPNI">