3 Definitions of terms and abbreviations
23.5863GPPArchitectural Enhancements to support Ranging based services and Sidelink PositioningRelease 18TS
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in TR 21.905 [1].
Located UE: A SL Reference UE of which the location is known or is able to be known using Uu based positioning. A Located UE can be used to determine the location of a Target UE using Sidelink Positioning.
Network-assisted Operation: Operation of Ranging/Sidelink Positioning with the involvement of 5GC NFs for the service request handling and result calculation.
Positioning: A functionality, which detects a geographical location and optionally, velocity (of e.g. a mobile terminal).
Ranging: Refers to the determination of the distance between two UEs or more UEs and/or the direction of one UE (i.e. Target UE) from another UE (i.e. Reference UE) via PC5 interface.
Ranging/SL Positioning Application Identifier: A globally unique identifier identifying a specific Ranging/SL Positioning application, which can be mapped to a V2X service type or a ProSe identifier.
Relative position: An estimate of the UE position relative to other network elements or relative to other UEs.
SL Reference UE: A UE, supporting positioning of target UE, e.g. by transmitting and/or receiving reference signals for positioning, providing positioning-related information, etc. using sidelink.
NOTE 1: SL Reference UE is understood as "Anchor UE" in RAN WGs.
Sidelink Positioning: Positioning UE using PC5 to obtain absolute position, relative position, or ranging information.
SL Positioning Client UE: A third-party UE, other than SL Reference UE and Target UE, which initiates Ranging/Sidelink positioning service request on behalf of the application residing on it.
NOTE 2: The SL Positioning Client UE does not have to support Ranging/Sidelink positioning capability, but a communication between the SL Positioning Client UE and SL Reference UE/Target UE has to be established, either via PC5 or via 5GC, for the transmission of the service request and the result.
SL Positioning Server UE: A UE offering method determination, assistant data distribution and/or location calculation functionalities and/or location calculation functionalities for Sidelink Positioning and Ranging based service. It interacts with other UEs over PC5 as necessary in order to determine Ranging/SL Position method, distribute assistant data and calculate the location of the Target UE. Target UE or SL Reference UE can act as SL Positioning Server UE if any of the functionalities is supported.
Target UE: A UE whose distance, direction and/or position is measured with the support from one or multiple SL Reference UEs using Sidelink in the Ranging based service and Sidelink positioning.
UE-only Operation: Operation of Ranging/Sidelink Positioning in which the service request handling and result calculation are performed by UE.
NOTE 3: For UE-only Operation, the communication among UEs are over PC5.
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in TR 21.905 [1].