8.9 Service Continuity

23.5423GPPApplication layer support for Personal IoT NetworkRelease 18TS

8.9.1 General

PIN service continuity procedures enable an Application Client participating in a PIN or CPN to maintain service when PIN Elements enter or leave the PIN. The following examples illustrate scenarios where PIN service continuity is needed; in a first scenario, an Application Client located in a UE needs to receive data from another PIN Element located in the home when the Ue leaves home; in a second scenario, an Application Clients communicating via a PIN Gateway Client needs to maintain communication when the PIN Gateway becomes unreacheable.

PIN service continuity can be implemented following two defined scenarios: PIN service continuity in PIN Gateway Client relocation and PIN service continuity in changing access to 5GS.

8.9.2 Procedure Service continuity in PEGC relocation scenario General

Following procedures are supported for service continuity in a PEGC relocation scenario:

– PIN Management PEGC Service Continuity procedure;

– PIN Management PEGC Configuration procedure;

– PIN Configuration Update procedure; and PIN Management PEGC Service Continuity procedure


1. PIN Element has an application session that goes through a PIN Gateway Client; and

2. PIN Gateway Client needs to be replaced (e.g., PEGC will become unavailable or PEGC is unreachable).

Figure PIN PEGC Service Continuity procedure

1. The PIN Gateway Client or the PIN Client sends a PIN Management PEGC Service Continuity request to the PIN Management Client for a specific service. The PIN Management PEGC Service Continuity request includes security credentials, PIN Client identifier(s), PIN Gateway identifier, and Service identifier.

2 Upon receiving the request, the PIN Management Client validates the request and checks if the request is authorized for the given PIN Client(s), PIN Gateway Client and service. If the request is authorized and valid, the PIN Management Client determines if a target PIN Gateway Client meets the requirements for handling the application traffic for the provided service.

If the PIN Management Client identifes a target PIN Gateway Client that meets the requirements, the PIN Management Client sends PIN Management PEGC Configuration request to the target PIN Gateway Client to configure the target PIN Gateway for handling service traffic from the PIN Client(s) as in clause If the service is provided by an Application Server, the PIN Management Client send a PIN Configuration Update request to the PIN Server if needed to inform of the service continuity changes in the PIN as in clause

3. If the procesing of the request was successful, the PIN Management Client sends a PIN Management PEGC Service Continuity response to indicate that the request processing was successfull and includes target PIN Gateway Client information. Otherwise, the PIN Management Client sends a PIN PEGC Service Continuity response indicating that the request processing failed and can include appropriate reasons.

Upon receiving the PIN Management PEGC Service Continuity response, if the response was received by the PIN Client, the PIN Client validates if the request was successful and can inform the application client of the target PIN Gateway Client provided in the response to establish connectivity. If the response was received by the PIN Gateway Client, the PIN Gateway Client notifies each PIN Client included in the PIN Management PEGC Service Continuity request about the target PIN Gateway Client change as in clause PIN Management PEGC Configuration procedure


1. The PIN Management Client has received a PIN Management PEGC Service Continuity request; and

2. The PIN Management client has identified a target PIN Gateway Client.

Figure PIN Management PEGC Configuration procedure

1. The PIN Management Client sends a PIN Management PEGC Configuration request to the target PIN Gateway Client. The PIN Management PEGC Configuration request includes security credentials, PIN Client identifier(s), PIN Gateway identifier, and Service identifier.

2. Upon receiving the request, the PIN Gateway Client validates the request and checks if the PIN Management Client is authorized to request PEGC Configuration. If the request is authorized and the request is valid, the PIN Gateway Client creates a new configuration for the PIN Client(s) and service that are indicated in the request.

3. If the processing of the request was successful, the target PIN Gateway Client sends a PIN Management PEGC Configuration response to the PIN Management Client to indicate that the request was successful and can include connectivity information to be used by the PIN Client(s). Otherwise, the target PIN Gateway sends a PIN Management PEGC Configuration response indicating that the request failed and can include appropriate reasons.

Upon receiving the PIN Management PEGC Configuration response, the PIN Management Client uses the information provided in the response to inform the PIN Client(s) or the PIN Gateway Client from which the service continuity request originated as in clause PIN Configuration Update procedure


1. PIN Element has an application session that goes through a PIN Gateway Client; and

2. PIN Gateway Client needs to be replaced (e.g., PEGC will become unavailable or PEGC is unreachable).

Figure PIN Configuration Update procedure

1. The PIN Management Client sends a PIN Configuration Update request to the PIN Server. The PIN Configuration Update request includes security credentials, service continuity information, PIN Client identifier(s), PIN Gateway identifier, and Service identifier.

2. Upon receiving the request, the PIN Server validates the request and checks if the PIN Management Client is authorized to request service continuity update. If the request is authorized and valid, the PIN Server updates the configuration for the PIN Client(s) and service indicated in the request. The PIN Server can update the Application Server accordingly if needed.

3. If the processing of the request was successful, the target PIN Server sends a PIN Configuration Update response to indicate that the request processing was successful. Otherwise, the PIN Server sends a PIN Configuration Update response indicating that the request processing failed and can include appropriate reasons.

Upon receiving the PIN Configuration Update response, the PIN Management Client uses the information provided in the response to inform the PIN Client(s) or the PIN Gateway Client from which the service continuity request originated as in clause Service continuity in changing access to 5GS

8.9.3 Information flows

Editor’s note: Information flows definition for Service Continuity is FFS

8.9.4 APIs

Editor’s note: API definition for Service Continuity is FFS