ForewordIntroduction1 Scope2 References3 Definitions of terms, symbols and abbreviations4 Overview5 Architectural requirements6 Application layer architecture7 Identities and commonly used values8 Procedures and information flows8.1 General8.2 Common Information Elements8.3 PIN server discovery8.4 Registration8.5 PIN Management8.6 PIN enable 5GS communication8.7 Service Switch8.8 Application server discovery in PIN8.9 Service Continuity8.1 General8.2 Common Information Elements8.3 PIN server discovery8.4 Registration8.5 PIN Management8.6 PIN enable 5GS communication8.7 Service Switch8.8 Application server discovery in PIN8.9 Service ContinuityForewordIntroduction4 Overview5 Architectural requirements6 Application layer architecture7 Identities and commonly used valuesAnnex A: Change history 8.6 PIN enable 5GS communication 23.5423GPPApplication layer support for Personal IoT NetworkRelease 18TS Tools: ARFCN - Frequency Conversion for 5G NR/LTE/UMTS/GSM 8.6.1 General 8.6.2 Procedure AF trigger QoS establishment Procedures of PIN communication via 5GS triggered by PEGC 8.6.3 Information flows