8.4 Registration

23.5423GPPApplication layer support for Personal IoT NetworkRelease 18TS

8.4.1 General

The PINE (including PEMC and PEGC) should have a registration procedure in PIN server, before consuming the certain PIN service.

The registration procedure includes the direct registration and indirect registration.

– Direct registration:

– For the PEMC, the PEMC sends PINE Registration Request (MAC address, vendor name, device description, PEMC Address) to the PIN server. After successful registration in PIN server, the PIN server allocates the PIN client ID to this PEMC and the PEMC receives the role of PEMC.

– The PINE can also directly register to the PIN server via the PEGC, if the PEMC/PIN server has already provided the PIN server address to the PINE. And if the PINE is accessing the PEGC without any registration and authorization, the PEGC may reject the message from the PINE and request the PINE to perform the registration.

– Indirect registration:

– For the PINE and PEGC, the PEMC substitutes the PINE/PEGC to register on PIN server with the device metadata from PINE/PEGC (MAC address, vendor name, device description, PINE/PEGC Address). After successful registration in PIN server, the PIN server allocates the PIN client ID to PINE/PEGC.

At the network side, a PIN server should be deployed. During the PINE registration procedure, the PIN server is responsible for the authorization of the request of the role of PEMC from PINE. The PIN server has this verification procedure with 5GC, which the procedure is defined in SA2 specification.

8.4.2 Registration Procedure General

The PINE may register to the PIN server via either the PEMC or the PEGC depends on the communication range, supported RATs. Procedure PINE registration directly to PIN server

Figure illustrates PIN creation procedure based on request/response model.


1. The PINE has been pre-configured or has discovered the address (e.g. IP address, FQDN, URI) of the PIN server;

2. The UE Identifier is available;

3. The PINE has been authorized to communicate with the PIN server;

Figure PINE registration directly to PIN server

1. The PINE (including PINE/PEMC/PEGC) sends a PINE Registration Request to the PIN server. The request includes the security credentials of the PINE received during authorization procedure and also the request may include the GPSI, MAC address, vendor name, device description, PINE Address.

If the PEMC trigger the request, this registration request carries the PIN ID of the PIN for which it is intending to register as PEMC and the PIN element may indicate whether it is to be assigned with primary or secondary PEMC role.

2. The PIN server interacts with the 5GS to check whether the UE identified by the GPSI has subscribed to be a PEMC. Also, the PIN server can check the whether the UE identified by the GPSI has subscribed to be a PEMC itself. If subscribed, it checks the PIN profile whether the requesting PIN element can be assigned with primary or secondary role and authorize the PIN element accordingly. In case if the PIN has already been created, the requesting PIN element is assigned with the secondary PEMC role irrespective of the role requested by the PIN element.

Editor’s note: whether and how to 5GS check the UE identified by the GPSI has subscribed to be a PEMC is in SA2 scope.

3. The PIN server responds to the PINE with PINE Registration Response with allocated PIN client ID in successful response.

If the registration procedure fails, the PIN server should give the failure response to indicates that indicates the cause of registration request failure. PINE registration indirectly to PIN server

The following procedure defines the PEMC can substitute the PINE/PEGC to register into PIN server.


1. The PEMC has been pre-configured or has discovered the address (e.g. IP address, FQDN, URI) of the PIN server;

2. The UE Identifier or PIN client Identifier is available;

3. The PEMC has been authorized to communicate with the PIN server;

4. The PINE/PEGC has already received the IP address of PEMC.

Figure PINE registration indirectly to PIN server

1. The PINE/PEGC sends PINE Registration Request to the PIN server. The request includes the security credentials of the PINE received during authorization procedure and also the request may include the GPSI, MAC address, vendor name, device description, PINE Address.

2. The PEMC substitutes the PINE/PEGC to send the request to PIN server.

3. The PIN server responds to the PEMC with PINE Registration Response with allocated PIN client ID in successful response.

4. The PEMC sends the responds received during step 3 to the PINE/PEGC. PINE registration via PEGC before join

The PINE registration towards the PIN server via the PEGC based on request/response model is depicted in figure


1. The PINE has been pre-configured or has discovered the address (e.g. IP address, FQDN, URI) of the PIN server;

2. The PINE already establishes the connection with PEGC;

Figure PINE registration to PIN server via PEGC before join

1. The PINE sends PIN registration request to the PIN server. The PIN registration request is routed to the PEGC. The PINE device identity, device credentials and other necessary formation which is also needed for PIN service authorization are included.

2. The PEGC identifies the received message is the PIN registration request which is allowed to be forwarded regardless the PINE is authorized or not.

3. The PEGC forwards the PIN registration request towards the PIN server.

4. The PIN server performs service authorization and verifies the PINE device with the information in the registration request. If authorized, the PIN server allocates the PIN client ID, authorization and security credentials for the PINE.

5. The PINE server returns the PIN registration response to the PEGC.

6. The PEGC forwards the PIN registration response to the PINE. PINE registration during the PIN join via the PEGC


1. The PINE has been pre-configured or has discovered the address (e.g. IP address, FQDN, URI) of the PIN server;

2. The PINE already establishes the connection with PEGC;

3. The PINE may get the PIN information from the PEMC, PEGC via PIN announcement after connecting to PEMC or PEGC.

Figure illustrates the PINE registration during the PIN join via the PEGC procedure based on request/response model.

Figure PINE registration to PIN server via PEGC

1. The PINE sends PIN join/discovery request to the PEGC. The PINE device identity is included.

– For the PIN join request, the PIN ID is included.

– For the PIN discovery request, the discovery criteria are included.

2. The PEGC identifies the received message is the PIN join/discovery request, and the PINE is not registered and authorized due to no PIN client ID and credentials in the message.

3. The PEGC returns the PIN join/discovery reject message to the PINE. The registration and authorization indication are also included to instruct the PINE to perform registration.

4. The PINE if not registered, initiates the PIN registration towards the PIN server via the PEGC as described in clause

5. After the registration, the PINE will use the PIN client ID and credentials to initiate the PIN join/discovery again. Information flow/elements General

The following information flows are specified for PIN creation:

– PINE Registration request and response; PINE Registration request

Table describes information elements in the PINE Registration request from the PINE (including PEMC, PEGC, PINEs) to the PIN server.

Table PINE Registration request

Information element



UE Identifier


The identifier of the hosting UE (i.e. GPSI or identity token) of PINE/PEMC/PEGC

Security credentials


Security credentials resulting from a successful authorization for the PIN service.

MAC address


MAC address of the requested PINEs.

Vendor name


The vendor name of the PINE

Device description


Give the description of the device.

PINE Address


The IP address of PINE, if available. PINE Registration response

Table PINE Registration response

Information element



Successful response


Indicates that the PINE Registration request was successful.

> PIN client ID


Identifier of the newly assigned PIN client ID to PINEs.

> Role of PEMC


The UE identified by the GPSI has subscribed to be a PEMC.

Failure response


Indicates that the PIN creation request failed.

> Cause


Provides the cause for PIN creation request failure.