A.5 Service and service operation description template

23.5023GPPProcedures for the 5G System (5GS)Release 18TS

The description of a service or service operation in this specification shall be done according to the following template.

NOTE: The heading level should follow that of the actual clause where the service is specified.

X.x <Nnfname_ServiceName<_OperationName>>

X.x.1 Description

Service or service operation name: <Nnfname_ServiceName<_OperationName>>.

Description: <short descriptive text>.

Known NF Consumers: <list of NFs>.

Inputs, Required: <list of parameters> — Parameters required from NF Consumer for successful completion of the service or service operation. Parameters required for the operation of the underlying protocol shall not be listed.

Inputs, Optional: <list of parameters> — Additional parameters that may be provided by NF Consumer for execution of the service or service operation. Parameters required for the operation of the underlying protocol shall not be listed.

Outputs, Required: <list of parameters>, < Nnfname_ServiceNameX<_OperationNameY >>, <Other> — Parameters provided to NF Consumer and/or service triggered upon successful completion of the service and/or other (e.g. procedure triggered). Parameters required for the operation of the underlying protocol shall not be listed.

Outputs, Optional: <list of parameters> — Additional parameters provided to NF Consumer upon successful completion of the service or service operation. Parameters required for the operation of the underlying protocol shall not be listed.

X.x.2 Service/service operation information flow

<Information flow of the service or service operation offered by NF Producer to NF Consumer over the NF Producer service-based interface>.

NOTE: This information flow can require invoking other services. In this case, the invoked services are represented as described in clause A.3.