5.2.17 CHF Spending Limit Control Service

23.5023GPPProcedures for the 5G System (5GS)Release 18TS General

The following table illustrates the CHF Services defined in this specification. The other services of CHF are defined in clause 6.2 of TS 32.290 [42].

Tale CHF Services

Service Name

Service Operations

Operation Semantics

Example Consumer(s)








PCF Nchf_SpendingLimitControl service General

Service description: This service enables transfer of policy counter status information relating to subscriber spending limits from CHF to the NF consumer. Nchf_SpendingLimitControl Subscribe service operation

Service operation name: Nchf_SpendingLimitControl_Subscribe

Description: Subscribe to notification of changes in the status of the policy counters available at the CHF and retrieval of the status of the policy counters for which subscription is accepted by CHF.

Inputs, Required: SUPI (for the Initial Spending Limit request), SubscriptionCorrelationId (for the Intermediate Spending Limit report), Event Id "policy counter status change", Event Filter Information "List of policy counter identifier (s)".

Inputs, Optional: Notification Correlation Target (required for the Initial Spending Limit request), Event Filter Information "List of policy counter identifier (s)", Event Reporting Information (continuous reporting).

Outputs, Required: Status of the requested subscribed policy counters to the subscriber in the Event Information.

Outputs, Optional: Pending policy counter statuses and their activation times, for all policy counter(s) available for this subscriber. If list of policy counter identifier(s) was provided, the CHF returns only the pending policy counter statuses and their activation times, per required policy counter identifier in the Event Information, SubscriptionCorrelationId. Nchf_SpendingLimitControl Unsubscribe service operation

Service operation name: Nchf_SpendingLimitControl_Unsubscribe

Description: Cancel the subscription to status changes for all the policy counters available at the CHF.

Inputs, Required: SubscriptionCorrelationId.

Inputs, Optional: None.

Outputs, Required: Success or Failure.

Outputs, Optional: None. Nchf_SpendingLimitControl Notify service operation

Service operation name: Nchf_SpendingLimitControl_Notify

Description: Notify the change of the status of the subscribed policy counters available at the CHF. Alternatively, it can be used by the CHF to provide one or more pending statuses for a subscribed policy counter together with the time they have to be applied. Alternatively, it is also used by the CHF to notify the removal of a subscriber from the CHF system, so that the NF consumer can terminate the subscriptions of all the policy counters of the subscriber.

Inputs, Required: Notification Target Address, SUPI.

Inputs, Optional: policy counter status as Event Information, Pending policy counter statuses and their activation times as Event Information. Subscriber removal from the CHF system as Event Information.

Outputs, Required: Success or Failure.

Outputs, Optional: None.