12 Identity management
23.4343GPPFunctional architecture and information flowsRelease 18Service Enabler Architecture Layer for Verticals (SEAL)TS
12.1 General
The identity management is a SEAL service that offers the identity management related capabilities to one or more vertical applications.
12.2 Functional model for identity management
12.2.1 General
The functional model for the identity management is based on the generic functional model specified in clause 6. It is organized into functional entities to describe a functional architecture which addresses the support for identity management aspects for vertical applications. The on-network and off-network functional model is specified in this clause.
12.2.2 On-network functional model description
Figure 12.2.2-1 illustrates the generic on-network functional model for identity management.
Figure 12.2.2-1: On-network functional model for identity management
The identity management client communicates with the identity management server over the IM-UU reference point. The identity management client provides the support for identity management functions to the VAL client(s) over IM‑C reference point. The VAL server(s) communicate with the identity management server over the IM-S reference point.
Editor’s Note: The role of VAL-UU in the context of identity management is FFS.
12.2.3 Off-network functional model description
Figure 12.2.3-1 illustrates the off-network functional model for identity management.
Figure 12.2.3-1: Off-network functional model for identity management
The identity management client of the UE1 communicates with the identity management client of the UE2 over the IM‑PC5 reference point.
12.2.4 Functional entities description General
The functional entities for identity management SEAL service are described in the following subclauses. Identity management client
The identity management client functional entity acts as the application client for vertical applications layer user identity related transactions. The identity management client interacts with the identity management server. The identity management client also supports interactions with the corresponding identity management client between the two UEs. Identity management server
The identity management server is a functional entity that authenticates the vertical application layer user identity. The authentication is performed by verifying the credentials provided by the vertical applications’ user. The identity management server acts as CAPIF’s API exposing function as specified in 3GPP TS 23.222 [8]. The identity management server also supports interactions with the corresponding identity management server in distributed SEAL deployments.
12.2.5 Reference points description General
The reference points for the functional model for identity management are described in the following subclauses. IM-UU
The interactions related to identity management functions between the identity management client and the identity management server are supported by IM-UU reference point. This reference point utilizes Uu reference point as described in 3GPP TS 23.401 [9] and 3GPP TS 23.501 [10]. IM-PC5
The interactions related to identity management functions between the identity management clients located in different VAL UEs are supported by IM-PC5 reference point. This reference point utilizes PC5 reference point as described in 3GPP TS 23.303 [12]. IM-C
The interactions related to identity management functions between the VAL client(s) and the identity management client within a VAL UE are supported by IM-C reference point. IM-S
The interactions related to identity management functions between the VAL server(s) and the identity management server are supported by IM-S reference point. This reference point is an instance of CAPIF-2 reference point as specified in 3GPP TS 23.222 [8]. IM-E
The interactions related to identity management functions between the identity management servers in a distributed deployment are supported by IM-E reference point.
Editor’s Note: The functions enabled over IM-E reference point is FFS.
12.3 Procedures and information flows for identity management
12.3.1 General
The procedures related to the identity management are described in the following subclauses.
12.3.2 Information flows
NOTE: The procedure for identity management is specified in subclause 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 of 3GPP TS 33.434 [29].
12.3.3 General user authentication and authorization for VAL services General
The high level user authentication and authorization procedure is described in the following subclause. Primary VAL system
Figure is a high level user authentication and authorization flow.
NOTE: The specific user authentication and authorization architecture required by the VAL services in order to realize the VAL user authentication and authorization is specified in subclauses 5.2.3, 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 of 3GPP TS 33.434 [29].
The user authentication process shown in figure may take place in some scenarios as a separate step independently from a SIP registration phase, for example if the SIP core is outside the domain of the VAL server.
Editor’s note: The procedure described in this subclause as shown in Figure may require further study.
A procedure for user authentication is illustrated in figure Other alternatives may be possible, such as authenticating the user within the SIP registration phase.
Figure VAL user authentication and registration with Primary VAL system, single domain
1. In this step the identity management client begins the user authorization procedure. The VAL user supplies the user credentials (e.g. biometrics, secureID, username/password) for verification with the identity management server. This step may occur before or after step 3. In a VAL system with multiple VAL services, a single user authentication as in step 1 can be used for multiple VAL service authorizations for the user.
2. The signalling user agent establishes a secure connection to the SIP core for the purpose of SIP level authentication and registration.
3. The signalling user agent completes the SIP level registration with the SIP core (and an optional third-party registration with the VAL service server(s)).
NOTE 1: The VAL client(s) perform the corresponding VAL service authorization for the user by utilizing the result of this procedure.
NOTE 2: Steps 2 and 3 are not required to be performed if the VAL service does not use SIP. Interconnection partner VAL system
Where communications with a partner VAL system using interconnection are required, user authorization takes place in the serving VAL system of the VAL service user, using the VAL user service authorization procedure specified in subclauses 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 of 3GPP TS 33.434 [29].
12.3.4 VAL server provisioning for identity management service General
The high level procedure for VAL server to provision required information to SEAL identity management server in order to support VAL user authentication is described in the following subclause. Procedure
The procedure for VAL server to provision required information to SEAL identity management server in order to support VAL user authentication is illustrated in figure
Figure VAL Server provisioning to SEAL Identity Management Server
1. The VAL server sends a request message to identity management server to provision required information. The request message includes identity of the VAL server, endpoint information of the VAL server, security credentials of the VAL server, and service provider specific information like list of VAL user IDs per VAL service.
2. Upon receiving the request, the identity management server authorizes the request based on the security credentials provided in the request and considering the service level agreement between VAL service provider and SEAL service provider. If VAL server is authorized to use the SEAL service, then the identity management server stores the details about the VAL server including the list of VAL user IDs per VAL service.
The identity management server sends the response message to the VAL server..
Editor’s note: Information flows are FFS.Editor’s note: Whether the VAL server registers with Identity Management Server is FFS.
12.4 SEAL APIs for identity management
12.4.1 General
There are no APIs defined for SEAL Identity Management.