7.13.6 Interconnection and migration with MCData message store

23.2823GPPFunctional architecture and information flows to support Mission Critical Data (MCData)Release 18Stage 2TS Interconnection

There is no interconnection of MCData message stores, as there are no defined reference points providing connection between message stores in different MCData systems. Migration

A migrated MCData user may be provided with access to a local message store by the partner MCData system of the migrated MCData user. The MCData user is identified by the MCData ID used in the partner MCData system by that migrated MCData user in order to access the message store. There is no connection between this message store in the partner MCData system of the migrated MCData user and any message store that the MCData user has access to in the primary MCData system of that MCData user, and therefore access to a message store in the partner MCData system does not provide a means of accessing stored content in the primary MCData system of the migrated MCData user.

A migrated MCData user may be provided with a means of access to the message store in the primary MCData system of that MCData user, e.g. by providing the MCData user with a suitable APN and appropriate IP routing, or by use of the MCData IP connectivity service. Such access is outside the scope of the present document.