7.13.5 Generic incoming SDS procedure with MCData message store

23.2823GPPFunctional architecture and information flows to support Mission Critical Data (MCData)Release 18Stage 2TS General

When a MCData user is supported with MCData message store all his incoming communications shall be stored in his account in the MCData message store when he has requested. This generic SDS procedure applies to all prcedures in subclause 7.4.2 when the MCData user requests to store the MCData communication. Procedure

The procedure in figureĀ describes the generic SDS service where MCData message store is supported.


1. MCData user has an account created with MCData message store.

3. The configuration to store the MCData communication in MCData message store is enabled for the MCData user.

3. MCData user has requested to store his MCData communication.

FigureĀ Generic incoming SDS procedure with MCData message store

1. The MCData server receives an incoming MCData SDS service request for the MCData user. This service request can be a response to an earlier service request sent by the MCData user or a new service request coming from any sender.

2. MCData server stores the communication as an object to the MCData user account in the MCData message store.

3. MCData server delivers the service request to MCData user as described in subclause 7.4.2.