A.1 General
23.2813GPPFunctional architecture and information flows to support Mission Critical Video (MCVideo)Release 18Stage 2TS
This Annex provides information about the static data needed for configuration for the MCVideo service, which belongs to one of the following categories:
– MCVideo UE configuration data (see subclause A.2);
– MCVideo user profile configuration data (see subclause A.3);
– MCVideo related group configuration data (see subclause A.4); and
– MCVideo service configuration data (see subclause A.5).
For each configuration category, data is split between configuration data that is applicable to both on network and off network, configuration data that is applicable to on-network only, and configuration data that is applicable to off-network only. The configuration data in each configuration category corresponds to a single instance of the category type i.e. the MCVideo UE, MCVideo group, MCVideo user and MCVideo service configuration data refers to the information that will be stored against each MCVideo UE, MCVideo group, MCVideo user and MCVideo service. This means that the three separate tables (on-network and off-network, on-network only, off-network only) for each configuration category represent the complete set of data for each configuration data category element.
The columns in the tables have the following meanings:
– Reference: the reference of the corresponding requirement in 3GPP TS 22.281 [3] or 3GPP TS 22.280 [2] or the corresponding subclause from either the present document or the referenced document.
– Parameter description: A short definition of the semantics of the corresponding item of data, including denotation of the level of the parameter in the configuration hierarchy.
– When it is not clear to which functional entities the parameter is configured, then one or more columns indicating this are provided where the following nomenclature is used:
– "Y" to denote "Yes" i.e. the parameter denoted for the row needs to be configured to the functional entity denoted for the column.
– "N" to denote "No" i.e. the parameter denoted for the row does not need to be configured to the functional entity denoted for the column.
Parameters within a set of configuration data have a level within a hierarchy that pertains only to that configuration data. The hierarchy of the configuration data is common across all three tables of on-network and off-network, on network only and off network only. The level of a parameter within the hierarchy of the configuration data is denoted by use of the character ">" in the parameter description field within each table, one per level. Parameters that are at the top most level within the hierarchy have no ">" character. Parameters that have one or more ">" characters are child parameters of the first parameter above them that has one less ">" character. Parent parameters are parameters that have one or more child parameters. Parent parameters act solely as a "grouping" of their child parameters and therefore do not contain an actual value themselves i.e. they are just containers for their child parameters.
Each parameter that can be configured online shall only be configured through one online reference point. Each parameter that can be configured offline shall only be configured through one offline reference point. The most recent configuration data made available to the MCVideo UE shall always overwrite previous configuration data, irrespective of whether the configuration data was provided via the online or offline mechanism.