7.3 Video pull

23.2813GPPFunctional architecture and information flows to support Mission Critical Video (MCVideo)Release 18Stage 2TS

7.3.1 General

MCVideo pull is enabled in both on-network and off-network mode.

For on-network MCVideo pull is supported between MCVideo clients, or between a MCVideo client and a MCVideo server.

For off-network MCVideo pull is supported between MCVideo clients only.

7.3.2 On-network video pull General

A MCVideo user triggers its MCVideo client to pull a video either from another MCVideo client or from a MCVideo server. Information flows for on-network video pull

The following information flows for private call specified in subclause is used for on-network video pull:

– MCVideo private call request (MCVideo client – MCVideo server)

– MCVideo private call request (MCVideo server – MCVideo client)

– MCVideo private call response (MCVideo client – MCVideo server)

– MCVideo private call response (MCVideo server – MCVideo client)

– MCVideo call end request MCVideo pull from server request

Table describes the information flow MCVideo pull from server request from the MCVideo client to the MCVideo server.

Table MCVideo pull from server request

Information Element



MCVideo ID


The MCVideo ID of the calling party

File URL


URL of the video file to be streamed

SDP offer


Media parameters of MCVideo client

Requested priority


Application priority level requested for this call MCVideo pull from server response

Table describes the information flow MCVideo pull from server response from the MCVideo server to the MCVideo client.

Table MCVideo pull from server response

Information Element



MCVideo ID


The MCVideo ID of the calling party

SDP answer


Media parameters selected MCVideo pull from server complete request

Table describes the information flow MCVideo pull from server complete request from the MCVideo client to the MCVideo server or from the MCVideo server to the MCVideo client.

Table MCVideo pull from server complete request

Information Element



MCVideo ID


The MCVideo ID of the calling party



End of communication cause MCVideo pull from server complete response

Table describes the information flow MCVideo pull from server complete response from the MCVideo client to the MCVideo server or from the MCVideo server to the MCVideo client.

Table MCVideo pull from server complete response

Information Element



MCVideo ID


The MCVideo ID of the calling party One-to-one video pull General

One-to-one video pull is a private call that only allows the called party to transmit video to the calling party, and the private call ends when the video transmission is completed. One-to-one video pull – call setup

The procedure describes the case where an MCVideo user is initiating an MCVideo private call to pull video from called MCVideo user in an automatic or manual commencement mode. Only the called party is allowed to transmit video.

Procedures in figure are the basic signalling control plane procedures for the MCVideo client initiating establishment of MCVideo private call with the chosen MCVideo user for video pull.


1. Optionally, MCVideo client 1 may have a functional alias activated to be used.

2. The MCVideo server may have subscribed to the MCVideo functional alias controlling server within the MC system for functional alias activation/de-activation updates.

Figure One-to-one video pull

1. MCVideo user on MCVideo client 1 initiates video pull from MCVideo client 2, by sending a private call request to the MCVideo server using a service identifier as defined in 3GPP TS 23.228 [5] for MCVideo, for establishing a private call with the chosen MCVideo user for video pull. The MCVideo private call request contains MCVideo ID of invited user, an SDP offer containing one or more media types and the video pull indication to indicate that invited user is requested to transmit video to the requester. The MCVideo user at MCVideo client 1 may include a functional alias used within the MCVideo private call request.

2. MCVideo server checks whether the MCVideo user at MCVideo client 1 is authorized to initiate the private call for video pull, and that MCVideo user at MCVideo client 2 is authorized to receive the private call for video pull. MCVideo server verifies whether the provided functional alias, if present, can be used and has been activated for the user.

3. MCVideo server may provide a progress indication to MCVideo client 1 to indicate progress in the call setup process.

NOTE 1: Step 3 can occur at any time following step 4, and prior to step 6.

4. If authorized, MCVideo server includes information that it communicates using MCVideo service, offers the same media types or a subset of the media types contained in the initial received request, includes the requested automatic commencement mode indication based on a requested commencement mode by the calling user or based upon the setting of the called MCVideo client and sends the corresponding MCVideo private call request towards the MCVideo client 2, including the MCVideo ID, and, if available the functional alias of the calling MCVideo user 1. If the called MCVideo user has registered to the MCVideo service with multiple MCVideo UEs and has designated the MCVideo UE for receiving the private calls, then the incoming MCVideo private call request is delivered only to the designated MCVideo UE.

5. The MCVideo client 2 notifies the user about the incoming private call for video pull. If a functional alias of the calling user is included it is displayed.

6. The receiving MCVideo client 2 accepts the private call for video pull, and sends an MCVideo private call response to the MCVideo server with an implicit transmit media request.

7. Upon receiving the MCVideo private call response from MCVideo client 2 accepting the private call request for video pull, the MCVideo server informs the MCVideo client 1 about successful call establishment via a private call response message.

8. MCVideo client 1 and MCVideo client 2 have successfully established media plane and transmission control for media communication.

NOTE 2: When the video transmission is completed, the private call is released. One-to-one video pull – call release

The private call release procedure specified in subclause is used for one-to-one video pull call release. One-from-server video pull General

One-from-server video pull is a private call between the calling party and the MCVideo server that allows the calling party to request streaming of a video from the server where it is stored in a file. The one-from-server video pull ends typically when the end of the video file has been reached or when the transmission is stopped by the calling user or by the MCVideo server.

NOTE: This procedure fulfills the requirements for the stage 1 replay of stored video feature. Procedure

Procedure in figure is the basic signalling control plane procedures for the MCVideo client initiating establishment of MCVideo video pull from the MCVideo server.


1. MCVideo user 1 on MCVideo client 1 has been authenticated and authorized to use MCVideo service.

2. MCVideo client 1 is registered.

3. MCVideo client 1 has been received the URL of a video file available on the MCVideo server, e.g. within an MCData SDS.

Figure One-from-server video pull

1. MCVideo user on MCVideo client 1 initiates the pull of a video from the server and sends an MCVideo pull from server request to the MCVideo server. The request contains the URL of the video file and an SDP offer with media description.

2. MCVideo server checks whether MCVideo client 1 is authorized to pull the requested video from the server.

3. MCVideo server accepts the pull from server request and sends an MCVideo pull from server response. The response contains the SDP answer.

NOTE 1: The SDP may contain a media description that allows the receiving party to remote control the stream (e.g. rewind, fast forward).

4. MCVideo client 1 and MCVideo server have successfully established the media plane and transmission control for the video stream.

5. Video stream is transmitted from MCVideo server to MCVideo client 1. The MCVideo client 1 may be able to remote control the video stream, subject to SDP negotiation.

6. MCVideo user on MCVideo client 1 stops the video pull from the server and sends an MCVideo pull from server complete request.

7. MCVideo server acknowledges the end of the communication.

NOTE 2: Alternatively, based on internal criteria (e.g. maximum duration of the video playback, end of the video file), the MCVideo server can end the transmission.

7.3.3 Off-network video pull General

A MCVideo client pulls a video from another MCVideo client directly, i.e. without involving the network.

Off-network video pull communications are based on ProSe capabilities as described in clause 7.18. Information flows for off-network video pull

The following information flows for private call specified in subclause are used for off-network video pull:

– Private communication request; and

– Private communication answer response. Video pull to self General

A MCVideo user requests another MCVideo user to deliver a video from its MCVideo client. Procedure

Figure describes procedures for an off-network MCVideo video pull, inititated by MCVideo user A at MCVideo client A with another MCVideo client B, to pull a video to MCVideo client A.

MCVideo client B can be an autonomous MCVideo client or can be a human controlled MCVideo client. In either case, following procedure should be followed.


1. MCVideo user A has initiated MCVideo video pull with MCVideo user B.

2. MCVideo client A and MCVideo client B are members of the same ProSe Discovery group and are ProSe 1:1 direct communication capable.

3. MCVideo client A has discovered MCVideo client B in proximity, associated with MCVideo user B, using ProSe Discovery procedures.

Figure Off-network video pull to self

1. The MCVideo client A sends a Private communication request towards the MCVideo client B. The Private communication request includes a video pull request and indicates MCVideo client A as the intended recipient of the video pull. Private communication request contains the SDP offer.

2a. The MCVideo client B notifies the MCVideo user B about the incoming video pull request.

2b. The MCVideo client B automatically accepts the video pull request, and sends a Private communication answer response indicating the acceptance of the video pull request. The Private communication answer response contains SDP answer.

NOTE 1: Step 2a and step 2b can occur in any order.

3. The MCVideo client A notifies MCVideo user A about the incoming Private communication answer response as an indication of acceptance of MCVideo video pull request.

4. The MCVideo client A and the MCVideo client B establish the media plane for communication.

NOTE 2: If a MCVideo client fails to establish the communication, the MCVideo client should send a Private communication failed response indicating the failure reason to the appropriate MCVideo client.

5. Media is transmitted from MCVideo client B to MCVideo client A and presented to the MCVideo user A.

NOTE 3: If a Private communication failed response is received by a MCVideo client, before or after establishing the media session, if already established, the session is terminated and the MCVideo user is notified about the failure and its reason, if any.