6a.4.3 Controller UE Initiated Release Media (media flow on the Controller UE)

23.2373GPPIP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Service ContinuityRelease 17Stage 2TS

The information flow shows the Controller UE releasing a media flow that is originated from the Controller UE. As a pre-requisite, there exists a Collaborative Session with two media flows, flow–A on the Controller UE (UE-1) and Flow–B on the Controllee UE (UE-2).

Figure 6a.4.3-1: Controller UE Initiated Media release – media on Controller UE

1. UE-1 sends a Release Media request to the SCC AS to remove Media-A from the Collaborative Session. The IUT media release request shall include enough information for the SCC AS to:

– identify that the media is Media Flow-A;

– identify that the released media is on UE-1;

– keep the control of Collaborative Session in UE-1.

2. The SCC AS updates the Remote Leg with media flow –A removed.

3. The SCC AS sends release media response to UE-1. UE-1 releases media flow – A at its end.

The Collaborative Session continues to exist after the procedure is complete.