6.12 Relations between SRNS relocation and location registration

23.2213GPPArchitectural requirementsRelease 17TS

This clause clarifies the need for separate handling of MM registration area (LA and RA) information in RRC idle mode respective in RRC connected mode. The following example illustrates relations between SRNC relocation, registration area (LA/RA) change and LA/RA updates. As shown in the example, this is equally applicable for a combined MSC + SGSN as well as the 3G-MSC/VLR and 3G-SGSN.

NOTE 1: The example is based on the assumptions that one RNC can set up Iu connections to only one 3G_MSC/VLR (or combined MSC+SGSN) and only one 3G_SGSN (or combined MSC+ SGSN), and that the CN node is configured to only send page to the RNC(s) that is controlling cells within the relevant LA/RA.

Preconditions (see figure 6.7):

– LA1 is handled by 3G_MSC/VLR1 and LA2 is handled by 3G_MSC/VLR2 ;

– RA1 is handled by 3G_SGSN1 and RA2 is handled by 3G_SGSN2 ;

– UE is registered in LA1 in 3G_MSC/VLR1 and in RA1 in 3G_SGSN1;

– the UE is in PS-CONNECTED state and a signalling connection exists between UE and 3G_SGSN1;

– the UE is in CS-IDLE state and no signalling connection exists between UE and 3G_MSC/VLR1;

– RNC1 is acting as SRNC and RNC2 is acting as DRNC;

– UE is in RRC cell connected state and with dedicated channels established to cells within both RNC1 and RNC2. UE does not listening to the PCH;

– the registration area information sent to the UE indicates LA1 and RA1.

The UE can always (at least in normal working states) identify the present available registration area (LA respective RA) associated with the respective CN domain. The determination of the present area differs depending on the state of the UE. For UE in RRC idle mode (UE with no ongoing communication with the network) it is the cell selection mechanism in the UE that is used. For UE in RRC connected mode it is the RAN that determines the area (although a change can implicit be initiated by the UE).

Figure 6.7: Illustration of the preconditions in the described example

In figure 6.7 MSC stands for 3G_MSC/VLR and SGSN for 3G_SGSN.

The UE moves now further towards the right, leaving the coverage area of cells controlled by RNC1, and resulting in that the UE has dedicated channel(s) established to cell(s) within only RNC2. This can result in the following sequence of events:

– the SRNC (RNC1) can decide to perform an SRNC relocation resulting in that the RNC2 becomes SRNC. In this example, the change of SRNC also implies a change of SGSN with an update of the UE location registration for the PS domain;

– after this SRNC relocation or combined with this procedure, the MM registration area information sent to the UE is changed and indicates now LA2 and RA2;

NOTE 2: The MM registration area information need not be sent for every SRNS relocation, nor does it preclude MM registration area information being sent in other occasions.

– the UE initiates a LA update, which results in a registration change from LA1 in 3G_MSC/VLR1 to LA2 in 3G_MSC/VLR2 and results in changed MM registration information.

NOTE 3: The area information can not be changed to indicate LA2 unless SRNC relocation has been performed, because the LA update signalling is sent from the UE, by using the established RRC connection to SRNC, and then to the 3G_MSC/VLR to which the SRNC belongs.