3 Definitions and abbreviations

23.2183GPPIM call modelIP Multimedia (IM) session handlingRelease 17Stage 2TS

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [2] and the following apply:

Application Server Incoming Leg Control Model (AS-ILCM): models AS behaviour for handling SIP information for an incoming leg.

Application Server information (AS-info): AS-info contains individualized information concerning one particular Application Server entry.
This information contains e.g. Application Server Address ( and it’s corresponding Default IP Multimedia Handling information (

Application Server Outgoing Leg Control Model (AS-OLCM): models AS behaviour for handling SIP information for an outgoing leg.

Combined ILSM OLSM – Incoming/outgoing Leg State Model: models the behaviour of an S-CSCF for handling SIP messages on an incoming and outgoing session leg.

Filter Criteria (FC): the information which the S-CSCF receives from the HSS or the AS that defines the relevant SPTs for a particular application.
They define the subset of SIP requests received by the S-CSCF that should be sent or proxied to a particular application.

Incoming Leg Control Model (ILCM): models the behaviour of an S-CSCF for handling SIP information sent to and received from an AS for an incoming session leg.

Initial Filter Criteria (iFC): filter criteria that are stored in the HSS as part of the user profile and are downloaded to the S-CSCF upon user registration.
They represent a provisioned subscription of a user to an application.

Initial Request: a SIP request that either initiates the creation of a new dialog or is part of a standalone transaction.

IP Multimedia Service Switching Function (IM-SSF): functional entity that interfaces SIP to CAP.

IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information (IM-CSI): identifies the subscriber as having IP Multimedia CAMEL services.

IP Multimedia session: IP Multimedia session and IP Multimedia call are treated as equivalent in the present document.

Original Dialog Identifier: an indication that the S-CSCF includes in a Route header for itself when sending requests to an AS. When the AS returns this indication in a Route header of a message sent to the S-CSCF, the S-CSCF uses it to associate the message with the previous request sent by the S-CSCF (i.e. the original SIP dialog).

Originating IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information (O-IM-CSI): identifies the subscriber as having originating IP Multimedia CAMEL services.

Outgoing Leg Control Model (OLCM): models the behaviour of an S-CSCF for handling SIP information received from and sent to an AS for an outgoing session leg.

Private User Identity: a unique global identity defined by the Home Network Operator, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.228 [3].

Public User Identity: the public user identity/identities are used by any user for requesting communications to other users and are in the form of a SIP URL or TEL URL as defined in 3GPP TS 23.228 [3].

Served User: The served user is the public user identity, for which the IM CN subsystem handles the call. For an origination call leg the served user is the user for which a UE or AS originates the call for. For a terminating call leg the served user is the user for which a UE or an AS terminates the call for.

Service Key: the Service Key identifies to the Application Server the service logic that shall apply.
The Service Key is administered by the HPLMN. For CAMEL services, the Service Key is an element of the CAMEL Subscription Information (CSI).

Service Point Trigger (SPT): the points in the SIP signalling that may cause the S-CSCF to send/proxy the SIP message to an SIP AS/OSA SCS/IM-SSF.
The subset of all possible SPTs which are relevant to a particular application are defined by means of Filter Criteria.

Service Platform Trigger Points (STP): the points in the SIP signalling that instruct the SIP AS, OSA SCS and IM-SSF to trigger the service logic.
For the IM-SSF the IP Multimedia Camel Subscriber Information (IM-CSI) defines them.

Subsequent Filter Criteria (sFC): filter criteria that are signalled from the SIP AS/OSA SCS/IM-SSF to the S-CSCF.
They allow for dynamic definition of the relevant SPTs at application execution time.

Subsequent Request: a SIP request which is part of an existing dialog. This also includes target refresh requests as defined in IETF RFC 3261 [6].

Standalone Transaction: a SIP transaction that is not part of an existing dialog and does not initiate the creation of a new dialog.

Terminating IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information (T-IM-CSI): identifies the subscriber as having terminating IP Multimedia CAMEL services.

For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 23.228 [7] subclause 4.13 apply:

IMS application reference

IMS communication service

IMS communication service identifier

3.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

AAA Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting

API Application Programming Interface

AS Application Server

AS-ILCM Application Server Incoming Leg Control Model

AS-OLCM Application Server Outgoing Leg Control Model

B2BUA Back-to-Back User Agent

CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic

CAP CAMEL Application Part

CCF Charging Collection Function

CDR Charging Data Records

CF Call Forwarding

CFonCLI Call Forwarding on Calling Line Identification

CGI Common Gateway Interface

CPL Call Processing Language

CLI Calling Line Identification

CSCF Call Session Control Function

CSE CAMEL Service Environment

ECF Event Charging Function

FC Filter Criteria

GPRS General Packet Radio Service

GPRS CID GPRS Charging IDentifiers

GRUU Globally Routable User agent URI

gsmSCF gsm Service Control Function


HSS Home Subscriber Server

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force

I-CSCF Interrogating CSCF

IARI IMS Application Reference Identifier

ICID IMS Charging ID

ICSI IMS Communication Service Identifier

iFC Initial Filter Criteria

ILCM Incoming Leg Control Model

IM IP Multimedia

IM-CSI IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information

IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem

IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity

IM-SSF IP Multimedia Service Switching Function

IOI Inter Operator Identifier

IP Internet Protocol

ISC IP multimedia Service Control

MAP Mobile Application Part

MGCF Media Gateway Control Function

MRFC Multimedia Resource Function Controller

MRFP Multimedia Resource Function Processor

O-IM-CSI Originating IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information

ODI Original Dialog Identifier

OLCM Outgoing Leg Control Model

OSA Open Service Access

PLMN Public Land Mobile Network


RFC Request For Comments

SCF Session Charging Function

SCIM Service Capability Interaction Manager

SCS Service Capability Server

SDP Session Description Protocol

sFC Subsequent Filter Criteria

SIP Session Initiation Protocol


SPT Service Point Trigger

STP Service platform Trigger Points

T-IM-CSI Terminating IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information

UA User Agent

UE User Equipment

URL Uniform Resource Locator

XML EXtensible Markup Language

MRB Media Resource Broker

IVR Interactive Voice Response