12 Information stored in the HLRs
23.0933GPPRelease 17Stage 2Technical realization of Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber (CCBS)TS
Note that a given subscriber may be both the originator and the target of CCBS requests; a given HLR may therefore be required to store both the data for HLR A and the data for HLR B against a given subscriber.
12.1 Originating Network Data
The following logical states are applicable for the CCBS service in the originating network (refer to TS 23.011 for an explanation of the notation):
Provisioning State Registration State Activation State HLR Induction State
(Not Provisioned, Not Applicable, Not Active, Not Induced)
(Provisioned, Not Applicable, Active and Operative Not Induced)
The logical state shall be on a per subscriber basis and hence the same for all basic service groups.
The HLR shall store the logical state of the CCBS service (which shall be one of the valid states listed above) on a per subscriber basis. The HLR shall store the following information for each CCBS Request that is successfully activated by subscriber A:
– AddressOfB;
– Basic Service Group;
– CCBS Call Information;
– Translated Number;
– Retention supported by destination network (if HLR A supports retention);
– CCBS Index;
– CAMEL Invoked.
The HLR shall store for the served subscriber as the originator of CCBS requests:
– The parameter "Max Queue Size",
– This parameter takes a value in the range 1 to 5.
12.2 Destination Network Data
The following logical states are applicable for the CCBS service in the destination network (refer to TS 23.011 for an explanation of the notation):
Provisioning State Registration State Activation State HLR Induction State
(Not Provisioned, Not Applicable, Not Active, Not Induced)
(Provisioned, Not Applicable, Active and Operative, Not Induced)
The logical state shall be on a per subscriber basis and hence the same for all basic service groups.
The HLR shall store the logical state of the CCBS service (which shall be one of the valid states listed above) on a per subscriber basis.
The HLR shall store the following information for each CCBS Request that is successfully activated against User B :
– Basic Service Group;
– Retention supported by originating network (if HLR B supports retention).
The HLR shall store on a per subscriber basis:
The parameter "Number of terminating CCBS Requests"
This parameter takes a value in the range 1 to 5.
12.3 Transfer of information from HLR to VLR
If the provisioning state for CCBS supplementary service is "Provisioned" then, when the subscriber registers on a VLR, the HLR shall send that VLR information about the logical state of CCBS supplementary service.
If the logical state of CCBS supplementary service is changed while a subscriber is registered on a VLR, then the HLR shall inform the VLR of the new logical state of CCBS supplementary service.
Both originating and destination network CCBS supplementary service logical states are updated independently of each other to the VLR.