9.4.4 Procedure OR_Handle_SRI_Negative_Response

23.0793GPPRelease 17Support of Optimal Routeing (SOR)Technical realizationTS

‘Non-fatal’ error situations, which cause the call to be routed through a GMSC in the same PLMN as the HLR, are:

– Send Routeing Info request rejected because the HLR does not support OR.

– Protocol error.

– System failure.

– Unexpected data value.

– Data missing.

– OR not allowed.

‘Fatal’ negative responses, which cause the GMSC to return a ‘fail’ result, are:

– Unknown subscriber.

– Number changed.

– Bearer service not provisioned.

– Teleservice not provisioned.

– Call barred.

– CUG reject.

– Forwarding violation.

– Facility not supported.

– Absent subscriber.

Figure 6: Procedure OR_Set_ORA_Parameters

Figure 7a: Procedure OR_Handle_RCH (sheet 1)

Figure 7b: Procedure OR_Handle_RCH (sheet 2)

Figure 7c: Procedure OR_Handle_RCH (sheet 3)

Figure 8: Procedure Route_Permitted

Figure 9: Procedure OR_Handle_SRI_Negative_Response