3 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols

23.0603GPPGeneral Packet Radio Service (GPRS)Release 17Service descriptionStage 2TS

3.1 Definitions

Definitions can be found in TS 22.060 [3] and TS 25.401 [53]. For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply:

GERAN/UTRAN PS coverage: an MS is defined to be in GERAN/UTRAN PS coverage if it can access GPRS services via GERAN or UTRAN. These services may be provided in A/Gb mode or in Iu mode. According to this definition, an MS camped on an E‑UTRAN cell is not in GERAN/UTRAN PS coverage.

GPRS: packet bearer service of the packet domain.

A/Gb mode: indicates that this clause or paragraph applies only to a system or sub-system which operate in A/Gb mode of operation, i.e. with a functional division that is in accordance with the use of an A or a Gb interface between the radio access network and the core network. This definition is consistent with the A/Gb mode definition for the RAN in TS 43.051 [74].

NOTE 1: A/Gb mode is independent of the support of both interfaces, e.g. an SGSN in A/Gb mode uses only the Gb interface.

Iu mode: indicates that this clause or paragraph applies only to a system or a sub-system which operates in Iu mode of operation, i.e. with a functional division that is in accordance with the use of an Iu-CS or Iu-PS interface between the radio access network and the core network. This definition is consistent with the Iu mode definition for the RAN in TS 43.051 [74]. Note that Iu mode is independent of the support of both parts of the Iu interface, e.g. an SGSN in Iu mode uses only the Iu-PS interface.

Inter-system change: change of an MS from A/Gb mode to Iu mode of operation and vice versa.

MS: this specification makes no distinction between MS and UE

2G‑ / 3G‑: prefixes 2G‑ and 3G‑ refer to systems or sub-systems, that support A/Gb mode or Iu mode, respectively, e.g. 2G‑SGSN refers to all functionality of an SGSN which serves an MS in A/Gb mode.

NOTE 2: When the prefix is omitted, reference is made independently from the A/Gb mode or Iu mode functionality.

Pool area: refers to a grouping of one or more RA(s) that, from a RAN perspective, are served by a certain group of CN nodes, as defined for the Intra Domain Connection of RAN Nodes to Multiple CN Nodes.

Emergency attached MS: An MS which only has PDP context(s) related to emergency bearer service.

NOTE 3: The above term is equivalent to the term "attached for emergency bearer services" as specified in TS 24.008 [13].

LIPA PDN connection: a PDN connection for local IP access for a UE connected to a HNB.

SIPTO at local network PDN connection: a PDN connection for SIPTO at local network for a UE connected to a HNB.

Correlation ID: For a LIPA PDN connection, Correlation ID is a parameter that enables direct user plane path between the HNB and L-GW.

SIPTO Correlation ID: For a SIPTO at local network PDN connection, SIPTO Correlation ID is a parameter that enables direct user plane path between the HNB and L-GW when they are collocated.

Local Home Network: A set of (H)NBs/RNCs and L-GWs in the standalone GW architecture, where the HNB-GWs/RNCs have IP connectivity for SIPTO at the Local Network via all the L-GWs.

Local Home Network ID: An identifier that uniquely identifies a Local Home Network within a PLMN.

Presence Reporting Area: An area defined within 3GPP Packet Domain for the purposes of reporting of UE presence within that area due to policy control and/or charging reasons. A Presence Reporting Area may consist in a set of neighbour or non-neighbor cells/Service Areas or Routing Areas. There are two types of Presence Reporting Areas: "UE-dedicated Presence Reporting Areas" and "Core Network pre-configured Presence Reporting Areas".

RAN user plane congestion: RAN user plane congestion occurs when the demand for RAN resources exceeds the available RAN capacity to deliver the user data for a prolonged period of time.

NOTE: Short-duration traffic bursts is a normal condition at any traffic load level, and is not considered to be RAN user plane congestion. Likewise, a high-level of utilization of RAN resources (based on operator configuration) is considered a normal mode of operation and might not be RAN user plane congestion.

3.2 Abbreviations

Applicable abbreviations can be found in TR 21.905 [9]. For the purposes of the present document the following abbreviations apply:

AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5

ADD Automatic Device Detection

APN Access Point Name

APN-AMBR APN-Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

AUTN Authentication Token

BCM Bearer Control Mode

BG Border Gateway

BSSAP+ Base Station System Application Part +

BSSGP Base Station System GPRS Protocol

BVCI BSSGP Virtual Connection Identifier

CCU Channel Codec Unit

CDR Call Detail Record

CGF Charging Gateway Functionality

CGI Cell Global Identification

CIoT Cellular IoT

CK Cipher Key

CMM Circuit Mobility Management

CS Circuit Switched

CSG Closed Subscriber Group

CSG ID Closed Subscriber Group Identity

CSS CSG Subscriber Server

DCN Dedicated Core Network

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DNS Domain Name System

DTI Direct Tunnel Indicator

DTM Dual Transfer Mode


EPS Evolved Packet System

ESP Encapsulating Security Payload

ETFTN Extended TFT Support Network

ETFTU Extended TFT Support UE


GCSI GPRS CAMEL Subscription Information indicator

GEA GPRS Encryption Algorithm

GERAN GSM EDGE Radio Access Network

GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node

GMM/SM GPRS Mobility Management and Session Management

GPRS‑SSF GPRS Service Switching Function

GPRS‑CSI GPRS CAMEL Subscription Information

GRA GERAN Registration Area

GSM‑SCF GSM Service Control Function

GSIM GSM Service Identity Module

GSN GPRS Support Node

GTP GPRS Tunnelling Protocol

GTP‑C GTP Control Plane

GTP‑U GTP User Plane

GW Gateway

HNB Home Node B

HNB GW Home Node B Gateway

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force

IK Integrity Key

IoT Internet of Things

IP Internet Protocol

IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4

IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6

IPX Internet Packet eXchange

ISP Internet Service Provider

KSI Key Set Identifier

L2TP Layer‑2 Tunnelling Protocol

L-GW Local Gateway

LIPA Local IP Access


LLC Logical Link Control

MAC Medium Access Control

MIP Mobile IP

MNRF Mobile station Not Reachable Flag

MNRG Mobile station Not Reachable for GPRS flag

MNRR Mobile station Not Reachable Reason

MOCN Multi-Operator Core Network

MTC Machine Type Communications

MTP2 Message Transfer Part layer 2

MTP3 Message Transfer Part layer 3

MTU Maximum Transfer Unit

NACC Network Assisted Cell Change

NGAF Non-GPRS Alert Flag

N-PDU Network Protocol Data Unit

NRSU Network Request Support UE

NRSN Network Request Support Network

NS Network Service

NSAPI Network layer Service Access Point Identifier

NSS Network SubSystem

OCS Online Charging System

ODB Operator Determined Barring

OFCS Offline Charging System


PCC Policy and Charging Control

PCRF Policy and Charging Rules Function

PCU Packet Control Unit

PDCH Packet Data CHannel

PDCP Packet Data Convergence Protocol

PDN Packet Data Network

PDN GW Packet Data Network Gateway

PDP Packet Data Protocol, e.g. IP

PDU Protocol Data Unit

P‑GW PDN Gateway

PMM Packet Mobility Management

PPF Paging Proceed Flag

PPP Point-to-Point Protocol

PSM Power Saving Mode

PTP Point To Point

PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit

RA Routeing Area

RAB Radio Access Bearer

RAC Routeing Area Code

RAI Routeing Area Identity

RANAP Radio Access Network Application Protocol

RAU Routeing Area Update

RCAF RAN Congestion Awareness Function

RLC Radio Link Control

RNC Radio Network Controller

RNS Radio Network Subsystem

RNTI Radio Network Temporary Identity

RRC Radio Resource Control

RUCI RAN User Plane Congestion Information

SBSC Serving Base Station Controller

SBSS Serving BSS

SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node

S‑GW Serving Gateway

SIPTO Selected IP Traffic Offload

SM Short Message

SM‑SC Short Message service Service Centre

SMS‑GMSC Short Message Service Gateway MSC

SMS‑IWMSC Short Message Service Interworking MSC


SNDC SubNetwork Dependent Convergence

SNDCP SubNetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol

SPI Security Parameter Index

SRNC Serving RNC

SRNS Serving RNS

TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TFT Traffic Flow Template

TEID Tunnel Endpoint IDentifier

TLLI Temporary Logical Link Identity

TOM Tunnelling Of Messages

TOS Type of Service

TRAU Transcoder and Rate Adaptor Unit

UDP User Datagram Protocol

UE-AMBR UE-Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate

UEA UMTS Encryption Algorithm

UESBI-Iu UE Specific Behaviour Information – Iu

UESBI-Uu UE Specific Behaviour Information – Uu

UIA UMTS Integrity Algorithm

URA UTRAN Registration Area

URRP-SGSN UE Reachability Request Parameter for SGSN

USIM User Service Identity Module

3.3 Symbols

For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:

Ga Charging data collection interface between a CDR transmitting unit (e.g. an SGSN, S‑GW, PDN GW or a GGSN) and a CDR receiving functionality (a CGF).

Gb Interface between an SGSN and a BSS.

Gc Interface between a GGSN and an HLR.

Gd Interface between an SMS‑GMSC and an SGSN, and between an SMS‑IWMSC and an SGSN (MAP based).

Gdd Interface between an SMS GMSC and an SGSN, and between an SMS IWMSC and an SGSN (Diameter based).

Gf Interface between an SGSN and an EIR.

Gi Reference point between a GGSN and a packet data network.

Gn Interface between two SGSNs within the same or different PLMNs or between an SGSN and a GGSN within the same PLMN.

Gp Interface between a SGSN and a P‑GW/GGSN in different PLMNs. The Gp interface allows support of GPRS network services across areas served by the co-operating GPRS PLMNs.

Gr Interface between an SGSN and an HLR.

Gs Interface between an SGSN and an MSC/VLR.

Iu Interface between the RNS and the core network. It is also considered as a reference point.

kbit/s Kilobits per second.

Mbit/s Megabits per second. 1 Mbit/s = 1 million bits per second.

Np Interface between an RCAF and the PCRF.

Nq’ Interface between an S4-SGSN and an RCAF.

R Reference point between a non-ISDN compatible TE and MT. Typically this reference point supports a standard serial interface.

Reporting Area The service area for which the location of an MS is reported.

Service Area The location accuracy level needed for service management purposes in the 3G‑SGSN, e.g. a routeing area or a cell. The 3G‑SGSN can request the SRNC to report: i) the MS’s current service area; ii) when the MS moves into a given service area; or iii) when the MS moves out of a given service area.

S4 Interface between a SGSN and a S‑GW within the same PLMN.

S5 Interface between a S‑GW and a P‑GW within the same PLMN.

S6d Interface between a SGSN and a HSS.

S8 Interface between a S‑GW and a P‑GW in different PLMNs. The S8 interface allows support of GPRS network services across areas served by the co‑operating GPRS PLMNs

S12 User plane interface between the RNS and a S‑GW for Direct Tunnel.

S16 Interface between two SGSNs within the same or different PLMNs when those SGSNs support S4.

SGi Reference point between a P‑GW and a packet data network.

SGs Interface between MME and an MSC/VLR.

Um Interface between the mobile station (MS) and the A/Gb mode network. The Um interface is the MS to network interface for providing GPRS services over the GERAN radio to the MS in A/Gb mode.

Uu Interface between the mobile station (MS) and the Iu mode network. The Uu interface is the Iu mode network interface for providing GPRS services over the UTRAN radio (and in Iu mode, over the GERAN radio) to the MS.

S13′ Interface between a SGSN and an EIR within the same or different PLMNs.

NOTE: Except where stated otherwise, this specification does not make an explicit assumption as to whether an interface is intra-PLMN or inter-PLMN.