10 Identification of the Cordless Telephony System entities

23.0033GPPNumbering, addressing and identificationRelease 18TS

10.1 General description of CTS‑MS and CTS‑FP Identities

Every CTS‑FP broadcasts a local identity – the Fixed Part Beacon Identity (FPBI) – which contains an Access Rights Identity. Every CTS‑MS has both an Access Rights Key and a CTS Mobile Subscriber Identity (CTSMSI). These operate as a pair. A CTS‑MS is allowed to access any CTS‑FP which broadcasts an FPBI which can be identified by any of the CTS‑MS Access Rights Keys of that CTS‑MS. The CTS‑MS Access Rights Key contains the FPBI and the FPBI Length Indicator (FLI) indicating the relevant part of the FPBI used to control access.

10.2 CTS Mobile Subscriber Identities

10.2.1 General

Each CTS‑MS has one or more temporary identities which are used for paging and to request access. The structure and allocation principles of the CTS Mobile Subscriber Identities (CTSMSI) are defined below.

10.2.2 Composition of the CTSMSI

bit No 22 1


| | |


Type|<———–Significant Part———->|

CTSMSI 22 bits


Figure 13: Structure of CTSMSI

The CTSMSI is composed of the following elements:

– CTSMSI Type. Its length is 2 bits;

– Significant Part. Its length is 20 bits.

The following CTSMSI Type values have been allocated for use by CTS:

00 Default Individual CTSMSI;

01 Reserved;

10 Assigned Individual CTSMSI;

11 Assigned Connectionless Group CTSMSI.

10.2.3 Allocation principles

The default Individual CTSMSI contains the least significant portion of the IMSI. This is the default CTS‑MS identity.

Assigned CTSMSIs are allocated by the CTS‑FP during enrolment, registration and other access procedures. Significant Part of the assigned CTSMSI shall be allocated in the range 00001-FFFFE. CTS‑FP shall not allocate Significant Part equal to 00000 or to FFFFF and shall not allocate Assigned CTSMSI using Reserved Type value. Such assignments shall be ignored by the CTS‑MS.

Assigned CTSMSIs are allocated in ciphered mode.

NOTE: The assigned individual CTSMSI should be updated whenever it is sent in clear text on the CTS radio interface during RR connection establishment.

The value FFFFF from the set of Assigned Connectionless Group CTSMSI shall be considered in all CTS‑MS as the value of the Connectionless Broadcast Identifier.

10.2.4 CTSMSI hexadecimal representation

The 22 bits of CTSMSI are padded with 2 leading zeroes to give a 6 digit hexadecimal value.

EXAMPLE: binary CTSMSI value: 11 1001 0010 0000 1011 1100

hexadecimal CTSMSI value: 39 20 BC.

10.3 Fixed Part Beacon Identity

10.3.1 General

Each CTS‑FP has one Fixed Part Beacon Identity known by the enrolled CTS‑MSs. The FPBI is periodically broadcast on the BCH logical channel so that the CTS‑MSs are able to recognise the identity of the CTS‑FP. The FPBI contains an Access Rights Identity.

Enrolled CTS‑MSs shall store the FPBI to which their assigned CTSMSIs are related.

Below the structure and allocation principles of the Fixed Part Beacon Identity (FPBI) are defined.

10.3.2 Composition of the FPBI FPBI general structure

bit No 19 1


| | |


Type| Significant Part |

FPBI 19 bits


Figure 14: General structure of FPBI

The FPBI is composed of the following elements:

– FPBI Type. Its length is 2 bits;

– FPBI Significant Part. Its length is 17 bits.

NOTE: The three LSBs bits of the FPBI form the 3-bit training sequence code (TSC). See 3GPP TS 45.056 [35].

The following FPBI Type values have been allocated for use by CTS:

00 FPBI class A: residential and single-cell systems;

01 FPBI class B: multi-cell PABXs.

All other values are reserved and CTS‑MSs shall treat these values as FPBI class A. FPBI class A

This class is intended to be used for small residential and private (PBX) single cell CTS‑FP.

bit No 19 1


|0 0| |


Type| FPN |

FPBI 19 bits


Figure 15: Structure of FPBI class A

The FPBI class A is composed of the following elements:

– FPBI Class A Type. Its length is 2 bits and its value is 00;

– Fixed Part Number (FPN). Its length is 17 bits. The FPN contains the least significant bits of the Serial Number part of the IFPEI.

The FPBI Length Indicator shall be set to 19 for a class A FPBI. FPBI class B

This class is reserved for more complex private installation such as multi-cell PABXs.

bit No 19 1


|0 1| |


Type| CNN + FPN + RPN |

FPBI 19 bits


Figure 16: Structure of FPBI class B

The FPBI class B is composed of the following elements:

– FPBI Class B Type. Its length is 2 bits and its value is 01;

– CTS Network Number (CNN). Its length is defined by the manufacturer or the system installer;

– Fixed Part Number (FPN). Its length is defined by the manufacturer or the system installer;

– Radio Part Number (RPN) assigned by the CTS manufacturer or system installer. Its length is defined by the manufacturer or the system installer.

NOTE: RPN is used to separate a maximum of 2RPN length different cells from each other. This defines a cluster of cells supporting intercell handover. RPN length is submitted to a CTS‑MS as a result of a successful attachment.

The FPBI Length Indicator shall be set to (2 + CNN Length) for a class B FPBI.

10.3.3 Allocation principles

The FPBI shall be allocated during the CTS‑FP initialisation procedure. Any change to the value of the FPBI of a given CTS‑FP shall be considered as a CTS‑FP re-initialisation; i.e. each enrolled CTS‑MS needs to be enrolled again.

FPBI are not required to be unique (i.e. several CTS‑FP can have the same FPBI in different areas). Care should be taken to limit CTS‑MS registration attempts to a fixed part with the same FPBI as another fixed part.

10.4 International Fixed Part Equipment Identity

10.4.1 General

The structure and allocation principles of the International Fixed Part Equipment Identity (IFPEI) are defined below.

10.4.2 Composition of the IFPEI

6 digits 2d 6 digits 2d



| || || || |



IFPEI 16 digits


Figure 17: Structure of IFPEI

The IFPEI is composed of the following elements (each element shall consist of decimal digits only):

– Type Approval Code (TAC). Its length is 6 decimal digits;

– Final Assembly Code (FAC). Its length is 2 decimal digits;

– Serial NumbeR (SNR). Its length is 6 decimal digits;

– Software Version Number (SVN) identifies the software version number of the fixed part equipment. Its length is 2 digits.

Regarding updates of the IFPEI: the TAC, FAC and SNR shall be physically protected against unauthorised change (see 3GPP TS 42.009 [36]); i.e. only the SVN part of the IFPEI can be modified.

10.4.3 Allocation and assignment principles

The Type Approval Code (TAC) is issued by a global administrator.

The place of final assembly (FAC) is encoded by the manufacturer.

Manufacturers shall allocate unique serial numbers (SNR) in a sequential order.

The Software Version Number (SVN) is allocated by the manufacturer after authorisation by the type approval authority. SVN value 99 is reserved for future use.

10.5 International Fixed Part Subscription Identity

10.5.1 General

The structure and allocation principles of the International Fixed Part Subscription Identity (IFPSI) are defined below.

10.5.2 Composition of the IFPSI

No more than 15 digits


3d 3d |



| || || |







Figure 18: Structure of IFPSI

The IFPSI is composed of the following elements (each element shall consist of decimal digits only):

– Mobile Country Code (MCC) consisting of three digits. The MCC identifies the country of the CTS‑FP subscriber (e.g. 208 for France);

– CTS Operator Number (CON). Its length is three digits;

– Fixed Part Identification Number (FPIN) identifying the CTS‑FP subscriber.

The National Fixed Part Subscriber Identity (NFPSI) consists of the CTS Operator Number and the Fixed Part Identification Number.

10.5.3 Allocation and assignment principles

IFPSI shall consist of decimal characters (0 to 9) only.

The allocation of Mobile Country Codes (MCCs) is administered by the ITU.

The allocation of CTS Operator Number (CON) and the structure of National Fixed Part Subscriber Identity (NFPSI) may be responsibility of each national numbering plan administrator.

CTS Operators shall allocate unique Fixed Part Identification Numbers.