3 Definitions and abbreviations

22.0603GPPGeneral Packet Radio Service (GPRS)Release 17Service descriptionStage 1TS

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of this 3GPP TS the following definitions apply:


access delay: The value of elapsed time between an access request and a successful access (source: ITU-T X.140).

accuracy: A performance criterion that describes the degree of correctness with which a function is performed. (The function may or may not be performed with the desired speed.) (source: ITU-T I.350).


bearer service: A type of telecommunication service that provides the capability for the transmission of signals between user-network interfaces (source: ITU-T I.112).


conversational service: An interactive service which provides for bi-directional communication by means of real-time (no store-and-forward) end-to-end information transfer from user to user (source: ITU-T I.113).


destination user: Entity to which calls to the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) are directed.




interactive service: A service which provides the means for bi-directional exchange of information between users. Interactive services are divided into three classes of services: conversational services, messaging services and retrieval services (source: ITU-T I.113).

interface: The common boundary between two associated systems (source: ITU-T I.112).


mean bit rate: A measure of throughput. The average (mean) bit rate available to the user for the given period of time (source: ITU-T I.210).

messaging service: An interactive service which offers user-to-user communication between individual users via storage units with store-and-forward, mailbox and/or message handling, (e.g., information editing, processing and conversion) functions (source: ITU-T I.113).

mobile termination: The part of the UE which terminates the radio transmission to and from the network and adapts terminal equipment capabilities to those of the radio transmission multicast service: A unidirectional PTM service in which a message is transmitted from a single source entity to multiple destinations.

multipoint: A value of the service attribute "communication configuration", which denotes that the communication involves more than two network terminations (source: ITU-T I.113).


network operator: Entity which provides the network operating elements and resources for the execution of the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS).

network service data unit (NSDU): A unit of data passed between the user and the GPRS network across a Network Service Access Point (NSAP).

network termination: A functional group on the network side of a user-network interface (source: ITU-T I.112).



packet: An information unit identified by a label at layer 3 of the OSI reference model (source: ITU-T I.113). A network protocol data unit (NPDU).

packet data protocol (PDP): Any protocol which transmits data as discrete units known as packets, e.g., IP.

packet transfer mode: Also known as packet mode. A transfer mode in which the transmission and switching functions are achieved by packet oriented techniques, so as to dynamically share network transmission and switching resources between a multiplicity of connections (source: ITU-T I.113).

PLMN Operator: Public Land Mobile Network operator. The entity which offers a GPRS.

point-to-multipoint (PTM) service: A service type in which data is sent to ”all service subscribers or a pre-defined subset of all subscribers” within an area defined by the Service Requester.

point-to-point (PTP): A value of the service attribute "communication configuration", which denotes that the communication involves only two network terminations.

point-to-point (PTP) service: A service type in which data is sent from a single network termination to another network termination.

protocol: A formal set of procedures that are adopted to ensure communication between two or more functions within the within the same layer of a hierarchy of functions (source: ITU-T I.112).

protocol data unit (PDU): In the reference model for OSI, a unit of data specified in an (N)-protocol layer and consisting of (N)-protocol control information and possibly (N)-user data (source: ITU-T X.200 / ISO-IEC 7498-1).

push service: service type which delivers information (data/multimedia) initiated from a network (which may be external to the PLMN) to the UE. The service will cause a PDP context to be activated if needed.


quality of service: The collective effect of service performances which determine the degree of satisfaction of a user of the service (ITU-T E.800). The set of performance parameters that can be directly observed and measured at the point at which the service is accessed by the user. There are three criteria by which performance is measured: speed, accuracy and dependability (source: ITU-T I.350).


reference configuration: A combination of functional groups and reference points that shows possible network arrangements (source: ITU-T I.112).

reference point: A conceptual point at the conjunction of two non-overlapping functional groups (source: ITU-T I.112).

retrieval service: An interactive service which provides the capability of accessing information stored in data base centres. The information will be sent to the user on demand only. The information is retrieved on an individual basis, i.e., the time at which an information sequence is to start is under the control of the user (source ITU-T I.113).


service attribute: A specified characteristic of a telecommunication service (source: ITU-T I.112).

NOTE: the value(s) assigned to one or more service attributes may be used to distinguish that telecommunications service from others.

service data unit (SDU): In the reference model for OSI, an amount of information whose identity is preserved when transferred between peer (N+1)-layer entities and which is not interpreted by the supporting (N)-layer entities (source: ITU-T X.200 / ISO-IEC 7498-1).

service delay: The time elapsed from the invocation of the service request, to the corresponding service request indication at the Service Receiver, indicating the arrival of application data.

service provider: Entity which offers the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) for subscription. The network operator may be the service provider.

service receiver: The entity which receives the service request indication primitive, containing the SDU.

service request: This is defined as being one invocation of the service through a service request primitive.

service requester: The entity which requests the initiation of a GPRS operation, through a service request.

service subscriber: Entity which subscribes to the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) service.

speed: A performance criterion that describes the time interval required to perform a function or the rate at which the function is performed. (The function may or may not be performed with the desired accuracy.) (source: ITU-T I.350).


throughput: A parameter describing service speed. The number of data bits successfully transferred in one direction between specified reference points per unit time (source: ITU-T I.113).

transit delay: A parameter describing service speed. The time difference between the instant at which the first bit of a protocol data unit (PDU) crosses one designated boundary (reference point), and the instant at which the last bit of the PDU crosses a second designated boundary (source: ITU-T I.113).



variable bit rate service: A type of telecommunication service characterised by a service bit rate specified by statistically expressed parameters which allow the bit rate to vary within defined limits (source: ITU-T I.113).

3.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of this 3GPP TS the following definitions apply:

CLNP Connectionless network protocol

CLNS Connectionless network service


FFS For further study

GPRS General packet radio service

HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access

IP Internet protocol

IP-M Internet protocol multicast

NSDU Network service data unit

PDP Packet data protocol

PDU Protocol data unit

PLMN Public land mobile network

PTM Point to multipoint

PTP Point to point

QoS Quality of service

SAP Service access point

SVC Switched virtual circuit

SDU Service data unit

TBD To be defined

TLLI Temporary link level identity