Category: 51.021
- 7.3 Static Reference Sensitivity Level
- 7.4 Multipath Reference Sensitivity Level
- 7.5.1 Test Purpose
- 6.12 Wideband noise and intra BSS intermodulation attenuation in multicarrier operation
- 7 Receivers
- 7.1 Static Layer 1 receiver functions (nominal error ratios)
- 6.11 Intermodulation attenuation (GSM 700, GSM 850, MXM 850, PCS 1900 and MXM 1900)
- 6.7 Intermodulation attenuation (GSM 400, GSM 900, ER-GSM 900 and DCS 1800)
- 6.8 Intra Base Station System intermodulation attenuation
- 6.9 Intra Base Station System intermodulation attenuation, MXM 850 and MXM 1900