Category: 10.1 Commands specific to MTs supporting the packet domain
- 10.1.66 Link packet filters +CGLNKPF
- 10.1.67 Delete packet filters +CGDELPF
- 10.1.68 Bit rate recommendation request +CGBRRREQ
- 10.1.69 Bit rate recommendation reporting +CGBRRREP
- 10.1.64 5GS Preferred NSSAI +C5GPNSSAI
- 10.1.65 Indicating the selected PLMN for access to restricted local operator services (RLOS) +CRLOSP
- 10.1.62 5GS NSSAI setting +C5GNSSAI
- 10.1.63 5GS NSSAI read dynamic parameters +C5GNSSAIRDP
- 10.1.59 5GS use of SMS over NAS +C5GUSMS
- 10.1.60 Request LADN information +CRLADN